UK Faces Global Threats: Call for Stronger Stance Against Iran's IRGC

Iran's IRGC poses a significant threat to UK security, supporting terrorism and sowing division. The Labour government's approach to global challenges, including China and Russia, raises concerns about national safety.

September 17 2024, 08:05 PM  •  171 views

UK Faces Global Threats: Call for Stronger Stance Against Iran's IRGC

The United Kingdom faces significant security challenges from global actors, with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) at the forefront of these threats. Established in 1979 following the Iranian Revolution, the IRGC has evolved into a powerful entity controlling up to 30% of Iran's economy and extending its influence far beyond its borders.

Robert Jenrick, a former minister, highlights the pressing need for the UK to address these security concerns. He points out that the IRGC, with its substantial £5 billion budget, is actively working to destabilize not only the Middle East but also communities within Britain itself.

The threat extends beyond Iran, forming what Jenrick terms an "axis of autocracy" involving Russia and China. This alliance poses multifaceted challenges to Western interests and values. For instance, Iran has reportedly supplied 200 ballistic missiles to Russia for use in Ukraine, while China continues to expand its global influence through economic means.


The Labour government, led by Sir Keir Starmer since April 2020, has been in power for a few months as of September 2024. Jenrick criticizes their approach to these global threats, particularly their stance on China and Iran. He argues that the government's reluctance to designate China as a national security threat, despite MI5 warnings of extensive espionage, is a concerning development.

Of particular concern is the Labour party's apparent reversal on its promise to proscribe the IRGC as a terrorist organization. This shift in policy, Jenrick argues, undermines UK security and sends the wrong message to Iran and its proxies.

"Labour's government would ban the IRGC."

David Lammy, Shadow Foreign Secretary

The IRGC's activities in the UK are not merely theoretical. Between 2023 and 2024, MI5 and police uncovered 15 Iranian assassination plots against UK residents. This alarming statistic underscores the immediate threat posed by the organization on British soil.

Jenrick emphasizes the importance of proscribing the IRGC, arguing that it would enable UK authorities to more effectively combat groups linked to Iran's regime. This move, he contends, is crucial for national security and would send a clear message about the UK's stance against terrorism and foreign interference.

The article concludes with a call for decisive action, warning that failure to confront Iran and its proxies now could lead to more significant problems in the future. As global tensions rise and alliances shift, the UK's response to these challenges will play a crucial role in shaping its security landscape for years to come.