Queen Braves Windswept Visit to RAF Leeming, Engages with Personnel

Queen Camilla's visit to RAF Leeming in North Yorkshire was marked by gusty winds that disrupted her appearance. She engaged with various squadrons, including counter-drone specialists, and showed interest in the base's wellness initiatives.

September 6 2024, 03:12 PM  •  765 views

Queen Braves Windswept Visit to RAF Leeming, Engages with Personnel

One year and five days ago, Queen Camilla demonstrated her resilience during a visit to RAF Leeming in North Yorkshire. The royal engagement, which took place on a particularly windy Friday, showcased the Queen's ability to maintain composure despite challenging weather conditions.

Upon arrival at the airfield, Queen Camilla was immediately met with strong gusts that disrupted her carefully styled hair and ruffled her blue Fiona Clare dress. Despite the unexpected weather, she proceeded with her duties as Honorary Air Commodore, greeting service personnel and their families with grace.


The visit provided insight into various aspects of RAF operations. Queen Camilla was introduced to members of 11 Squadron QEAF, who train both RAF and Qatari pilots on Hawk jets. This collaboration highlights the international partnerships fostered by the Royal Air Force, which has a rich history dating back to its founding on April 1, 1918.

The Queen also met with 90 Signals, specialists in communications and cyber defense, reflecting the growing importance of digital security in modern military operations. Additionally, she engaged with a counter-drone team that had recently worked on security measures for the Coronation, which took place 1 year and 4 months ago. This team is also preparing for the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, scheduled for July to August 2024.

In a gesture of goodwill, Queen Camilla received a medallion from Qatari pilots, further cementing the diplomatic ties between the UK and Qatar in military training and cooperation.

The royal visit also emphasized the importance of wellness and community at the base. Queen Camilla toured the station's wellness area, which includes allotments, a polytunnel, chicken coops, and beehives. These initiatives reflect a long-standing British tradition, with allotments dating back to the 19th century and beekeeping being practiced for thousands of years.

"There's nothing better than getting in your garden and going into the chickens. It's very soothing."

Queen Camilla on gardening and chicken-keeping

As Queen Camilla concluded her visit, she was treated to a fly-over by three Hawk jets, a fitting tribute to the station's role in training pilots on these advanced aircraft. The Queen then departed for Scotland to rejoin King Charles III for the weekend, which included attending the Braemar Games and marking the second anniversary of his accession to the throne.

This visit to RAF Leeming, with its mix of military technology, international cooperation, and community wellness initiatives, exemplifies the diverse roles and interests of the modern British monarchy. Despite the windswept start, Queen Camilla's engagement demonstrated the royal family's commitment to supporting the armed forces and their personnel.