Labour MP Advises Harris on Immigration, Highlights UK Efforts

Labour MP Mike Tapp shares insights from meeting with Kamala Harris's team, emphasizing the need to address immigration concerns. He also discusses UK's ongoing efforts to tackle immigration issues.

August 25 2024, 08:23 PM  •  72 views

Labour MP Advises Harris on Immigration, Highlights UK Efforts

Mike Tapp, Labour MP for Dover and Deal, has recently shared insights from his meeting with Kamala Harris's campaign team, emphasizing the importance of addressing immigration concerns. Tapp's visit to the United States, which took place in January 2024 and again after the UK election, aimed to exchange campaign strategies and discuss pressing issues.

During his interactions with Harris's team, Tapp stressed the significance of listening to working-class concerns, particularly regarding immigration. He stated, "These people have valid concerns. They're not racist, we must drop that sort of rhetoric and deal with these issues, just like Keir Starmer and Yvette Cooper are doing."

Tapp's approach aligns with the Labour Party's current stance on immigration under the leadership of Keir Starmer, who became the party's leader in April 2020. The party has been working to address immigration concerns while maintaining a balanced approach.


The MP also provided insights into the UK government's ongoing efforts to tackle immigration issues. He highlighted several initiatives:

  • Recruitment of a new border security commander
  • Addition of over 100 new intelligence officers working across Europe
  • Execution of nine deportation flights
  • Plans for a thousand-officer deportation unit

Tapp emphasized that these measures take time to show results, stating, "It doesn't happen overnight." He also criticized the previous Rwanda deportation plan, describing it as a "gimmick that cost a hell of a lot of money."

The UK's approach to immigration has evolved significantly since leaving the European Union on January 31, 2020. The introduction of a points-based immigration system in 2021 marked a significant shift in policy. Additionally, the UK Border Force, established in 2008, continues to play a crucial role in managing the country's borders.

Tapp outlined the government's two-pronged approach to deter illegal immigration:

  • Intensifying efforts to dismantle criminal gangs
  • Involving MI5, the UK's domestic intelligence agency founded in 1909, with enhanced powers and tools

These measures aim to address the challenges posed by the English Channel, a common route for migrants attempting to enter the UK illegally. The National Crime Agency (NCA) is also actively involved in combating human trafficking and organized crime related to illegal immigration.

As the UK continues to grapple with immigration issues, the Labour Party's approach under Starmer and Cooper, who has been Shadow Home Secretary since 2021, appears to be gaining traction. Their strategy of addressing valid concerns while avoiding divisive rhetoric seems to be resonating with both the public and international observers.

"Don't ignore them. And for me in Dover and Deal, a perfect example of that is worries and concerns around immigration. These people have valid concerns. They're not racist, we must drop that sort of rhetoric and deal with these issues."

Mike Tapp on the importance of addressing immigration concerns

As the UK moves forward with its immigration policies, it's clear that a multifaceted approach involving border security, international cooperation, and addressing public concerns will be crucial in developing effective and humane solutions to this complex issue.