Hundreds Attempt Mass Border Crossing from Morocco to Spanish Enclave Ceuta

Moroccan security forces thwarted a coordinated attempt by hundreds of migrants to cross into Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in North Africa. The incident, linked to a social media campaign, highlights ongoing migration pressures in the region.

September 16 2024, 04:37 PM  •  227 views

Hundreds Attempt Mass Border Crossing from Morocco to Spanish Enclave Ceuta

On September 16, 2024, a significant incident unfolded at the border between Morocco and Ceuta, a Spanish autonomous city located on the North African coast. Hundreds of young Moroccan men orchestrated a coordinated attempt to cross the border illegally, resulting in a chaotic scene near the fence separating the two territories.

Ceuta, one of two Spanish enclaves in Morocco, has been under Spanish control since 1580 and covers an area of 18.5 square kilometers. Along with Melilla, it represents the only land borders between the European Union and Africa, making it a frequent target for those seeking entry into Europe.

Moroccan security forces responded swiftly to the situation, forming a human barrier to prevent migrants from reaching the 8.4-kilometer-long border fence. The officers resorted to firing warning shots into the air to disperse the crowd. Simultaneously, attempts to enter Ceuta by swimming were reported on nearby beaches.


The mass crossing attempt was linked to a social media campaign that had been circulating on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. This campaign, which referred to September 15 as "The Promised Day" and the "Great Escape," prompted authorities to arrest at least 60 individuals in the week leading up to the incident for spreading false information and inciting illegal migration.

Despite the increased security measures, which local human rights activist Mohammed Ben Aissa described as the "heaviest security deployment" ever seen in Fnideq, many migrants remain undeterred. One individual, speaking to Spanish media, expressed their determination to continue attempting to cross, regardless of the obstacles.

This incident is not isolated, as Ceuta and Melilla frequently experience waves of migration attempts. In August 2024, Moroccan authorities reported blocking over 11,300 crossing attempts into Ceuta alone. The city's unique position, separated from mainland Spain by the Strait of Gibraltar, has made it a focal point for those seeking to enter Europe.

"They do this deliberately to scare and keep us from trying again. But it won't stop us. We'll keep coming back as many times as needed."

Statement from a migrant

In response to the growing migration pressures, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez visited several West African countries earlier in the summer of 2024. The aim was to foster better cooperation on migration issues, recognizing the need for a collaborative approach with countries where many migrant journeys originate.

The situation in Ceuta reflects broader migration trends affecting Spain. The Canary Islands, for instance, witnessed a 160% increase in migrant arrivals between January and mid-July 2024 compared to the previous year, totaling nearly 20,000 individuals.

As Ceuta continues to grapple with its role as a potential entry point to Europe, the city's unique status as an autonomous Spanish territory with a population of approximately 85,000 remains a subject of ongoing discussion. The incident on September 16 underscores the complex challenges faced by both Spanish and Moroccan authorities in managing migration flows in this geopolitically sensitive region.