From Balding to Confident: My Hair Transplant Journey in Istanbul

A personal account of undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey, detailing the procedure, recovery, and results. The author shares insights and advice for those considering similar treatment.

September 22 2024, 04:03 PM  •  349 views

From Balding to Confident: My Hair Transplant Journey in Istanbul

Dom Hogan's journey to hair restoration began with a startling realization. Seeing a photograph of himself at a cricket tournament in Thailand, he was shocked by the visible hair loss on his crown. This moment of self-awareness prompted him to take action against the advancing signs of aging.

Hair loss is a common issue, affecting approximately 50% of men by age 50. For Hogan, the genetic predisposition was clear, as his father had experienced significant hair loss before his untimely death at 41. Determined to combat this hereditary trend, Hogan initially tried minoxidil-based products, which only slowed the process.

Inspired by a friend's successful transplant, Hogan decided to explore more permanent solutions. His research led him to Estenove, a clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, known for its high success rates in hair transplantation. The clinic, regulated by the Turkish Ministry of Health, boasts a 90-95% success rate per transplant.


The decision to undergo a hair transplant in Turkey was not without concerns. Hogan was aware of horror stories circulating about cosmetic procedures abroad. However, the clinic's reputation and the significant cost savings compared to UK and US prices ultimately convinced him.

The procedure itself was a meticulous process lasting 6.5 hours. It began with a consultation where Hogan helped sketch his new hairline. The surgeon then used a needle-free numbing agent, a relatively new technique, to prepare the scalp. The extraction phase involved removing 4,600 follicles from the donor area, followed by the creation of tiny incisions in the recipient area. Finally, the harvested follicles were carefully transplanted one by one.

"I hadn't realized what a painstaking process it would be, with the harvested follicles carefully transplanted one by one using pen-like instruments with a hollow needle."

Hogan reflects on the procedure

Post-operative care was crucial. Hogan received detailed instructions on how to care for his scalp, including dietary restrictions and sleeping positions. The recovery process involved some discomfort, but Hogan found the support from the clinic, including a WhatsApp group for monitoring progress, to be reassuring.

One year after the procedure, Hogan reports increased confidence and positive reactions from friends and family. While full results can take up to 16 months to manifest, he is already pleased with the outcome. The experience has even inspired two of his friends to book similar procedures.

For those considering a hair transplant, Hogan advises thorough research. It's crucial to choose a reputable clinic licensed by appropriate medical bodies. In Turkey, this means ensuring the clinic is licensed by the Turkish Ministry of Health. Patients should also be wary of promises of "scarless surgery" and check reviews on third-party websites.

The global hair transplant market, valued at $4.9 billion in 2021, continues to grow, with Turkey emerging as a popular destination for medical tourism. As more people become aware of the procedure's effectiveness, it's likely that the trend will continue, offering hope to those struggling with hair loss.