Deadly Shooting at West Bank-Jordan Border Crossing Claims Four Lives

A truck driver attacked Israeli guards at the Allenby Bridge Crossing, resulting in four fatalities including the assailant. This incident occurs amid escalating tensions in the West Bank region.

September 8 2024, 09:53 AM  •  547 views

Deadly Shooting at West Bank-Jordan Border Crossing Claims Four Lives

On September 7, 2024, a violent incident unfolded at the Allenby Bridge Crossing, connecting the West Bank and Jordan. A truck driver initiated an attack on Israeli security personnel, resulting in the deaths of three guards and the assailant.

The Allenby Bridge Crossing, also referred to as the King Hussein Bridge, serves as a crucial link between the West Bank and Jordan. This crossing holds significant importance as it's the sole international gateway for Palestinians that doesn't necessitate entry into Israel. The bridge, spanning the Jordan River, has a rich history dating back to its construction in 1918 by the British Army during World War I.

According to Israeli military reports, the attacker arrived at the crossing from Jordan in a truck. Upon reaching the area, the individual exited the vehicle and opened fire on Israeli security forces stationed at the bridge. The assault resulted in the deaths of three Israeli civilians who were employed as security guards at the facility.

Security forces at the scene responded swiftly, neutralizing the attacker. This incident adds to the growing list of violent occurrences in the region, reflecting the complex political landscape symbolized by this crossing.


The Allenby Bridge Crossing, named after British General Edmund Allenby, operates under the 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty. It functions as the designated exit and entry point for West Bank Palestinians traveling abroad. The crossing maintains a regular schedule, operating Sunday through Thursday, with limited hours on Fridays and Saturdays. However, it closes annually for Yom Kippur and the Muslim New Year.

This recent attack occurs against a backdrop of escalating tensions in the West Bank. Since the conflict in Gaza erupted following the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, approximately 11 months ago, violence in the region has surged dramatically.

Palestinian health ministry data indicates that at least 662 Palestinians in the West Bank have lost their lives due to actions by Israeli troops or settlers since that date. Conversely, Israeli officials report that a minimum of 23 Israelis, including security force members, have been killed in Palestinian attacks during the same period.

The Allenby Bridge, which is about 5 meters wide, has witnessed numerous political demonstrations and protests over the years. In 2009, nearly half a million people utilized this crossing, underscoring its significance in regional movement and commerce.

Located near the ancient city of Jericho, the bridge has endured multiple destructions and reconstructions. It was initially destroyed in 1946, rebuilt in 1950, and then destroyed again during the Six-Day War in 1967 before being reconstructed.

As investigations into this recent attack continue, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing tensions and security challenges in this historically significant and politically sensitive region.