Venomous Snake Influencer's Near-Fatal Bite Sparks Controversy

A social media snake handler's critical injury from an inland taipan bite has ignited debate on the dangers of free-handling venomous reptiles. Experts condemn the practice as reckless and ego-driven.

September 13 2024, 06:36 PM  •  92 views

Venomous Snake Influencer's Near-Fatal Bite Sparks Controversy

In a shocking turn of events, Jeff Leibowitz, a social media influencer known for his controversial snake-handling practices, found himself in critical condition after being bitten by one of the world's most venomous snakes. The incident, which occurred approximately one year ago, has reignited debates within the herpetology community about the dangers of free-handling venomous reptiles.

Leibowitz, who boasted 15,000 Instagram followers, often showcased his ability to control deadly snakes with bare hands. His daring demonstrations included handling the inland taipan, a species endemic to central-eastern Australia and renowned for its potent venom. Experts estimate that a single bite from this snake could potentially kill up to 100 adult humans.


Mark O'Shea, a professor of herpetology at the University of Wolverhampton, strongly criticized Leibowitz's approach, stating, "You cannot tame a snake, they act on instinct." O'Shea emphasized the foolishness of free-handling such lethal creatures, highlighting the risks involved in these ego-driven displays.

The incident occurred when Leibowitz's inland taipan managed to bite his hand during a handling session. The severity of the situation became apparent when he urgently sought antivenom through social media. The scarcity of this life-saving treatment in South Carolina necessitated its transportation from Florida, potentially exacerbating the venom's effects.

"He had been given antivenom and was in intensive care on a ventilator."

Leibowitz's family update

The aftermath of the bite was severe, with Leibowitz requiring intensive care and dialysis, indicating possible organ damage. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the long-lasting or permanent health consequences that can result from venomous snake bites.

The event has had far-reaching consequences beyond Leibowitz's personal health. Authorities seized his collection of 14 venomous snakes, including rattlesnakes, vipers, cobras, and the infamous inland taipan. Tragically, all these reptiles were euthanized due to the lack of suitable facilities willing to accept them, given the associated safety risks.

This incident has sparked intense discussions within the snake enthusiast community. Many have condemned Leibowitz's actions as reckless, arguing that such behavior puts not only individuals at risk but also jeopardizes the reputation of responsible snake keepers.

The rise of social media has contributed to the proliferation of dangerous animal handling practices for views and followers. However, experts stress that proper safety protocols are crucial when dealing with venomous snakes. Many zoos and reptile facilities have strict guidelines in place to protect handlers and the public.

As the herpetology community reflects on this incident, it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of respecting these fascinating yet potentially deadly creatures. The controversy surrounding free-handling practices continues, with many calling for increased awareness and regulation to prevent similar incidents in the future.