SNP Minister Under Fire for Withholding Israeli Diplomat Meeting Details

Scottish Government refuses to release minutes of controversial meeting between SNP minister and Israeli diplomat, citing international relations concerns. Opposition accuses SNP of lack of transparency.

September 13 2024, 04:33 PM  •  75 views

SNP Minister Under Fire for Withholding Israeli Diplomat Meeting Details

The Scottish Government has come under scrutiny for refusing to disclose information about a meeting between a senior Scottish National Party (SNP) minister and an Israeli diplomat. This decision has sparked accusations of a lack of transparency and potential internal party conflict.

On August 8, 2024, Angus Robertson, Scotland's External Affairs Secretary, met with Daniela Grudsky, Israel's deputy ambassador to the UK. The meeting, which occurred just over a month ago, has since become a source of controversy within the SNP and Scottish politics.

The Scottish Government rejected a Freedom of Information (FOI) request for the minutes and agenda of the discussions, citing potential harm to international relations. This refusal has led to speculation about the content of the meeting and its implications for the SNP's stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


The SNP, founded in 1934, has historically been supportive of Palestinian rights and critical of Israeli policies. This position aligns with the party's broader focus on international issues, despite Scotland's limited powers in foreign affairs. The Scottish Parliament, established in 1999, has devolved powers over certain areas, including some aspects of external affairs, but foreign policy remains largely under the control of the UK government.

Alexander Stewart, the Scottish Conservative Party's deputy external affairs spokesman, criticized the government's decision, stating, "Secrecy and evasion have been the hallmarks of this SNP Government – but even by their standards redacting literally everything from a Freedom of Information response is incredible."

The controversy surrounding the meeting highlights the complex nature of Scotland's international engagement. While the Scottish Government has its own International Framework guiding its global interactions, it must navigate these relationships within the context of UK foreign policy.

"I had not meant to imply a 'normalisation' of relations with Benjamin Netanyahu's administration."

SNP Minister Angus Robertson's statement

Following the backlash, Robertson issued an apology to SNP members and announced that the Scottish Government would hold no more meetings with Israeli officials unless certain conditions were met. This move was seen as an attempt to reconcile the party's official stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the diplomatic engagement that had taken place.

The Scottish Government defended its decision to withhold the meeting details, emphasizing the importance of confidentiality in international relations. A spokesperson stated, "It is a requirement of international relations that confidentiality is not breached."

This incident underscores the challenges faced by the SNP-led government in balancing its domestic political considerations with international diplomatic norms. As Scotland continues to engage on the global stage, the tension between transparency and diplomatic discretion is likely to remain a point of contention.