Retiree's Texas Dream: How a Pension Lump Sum Led to 16 Years of Golfing Bliss

**Bob Hampton**, 80, shares how his pension lump sum funded a Texas property purchase, leading to 16 years of golfing and friendship in Holly Lake Ranch. His story highlights the potential of pension freedom.

August 21 2024, 02:48 PM  •  0 views

Retiree's Texas Dream: How a Pension Lump Sum Led to 16 Years of Golfing Bliss

In a remarkable tale of retirement planning, Bob Hampton transformed his pension lump sum into a 16-year American dream. At 80, the former quantity surveyor and housebuilder reflects on his decision to invest in a Texas property, which brought him and his wife, Hazel, years of golfing pleasure and lasting friendships.

Bob Hampton's journey began in the late 1990s when he retired at 54 after selling his small but successful housebuilding company. With a pension pot that had been growing since 1986, Hampton found himself with an unexpected opportunity during a holiday at Holly Lake Ranch, Texas.

"We stumbled across Holly Lake because we knew it had a golf course. We didn't know how good it was. We fell in love with the place and, more, the people of the place."

Bob Hampton recalls

The Hamptons' decision to purchase a four-bedroom house in the 4,000-acre gated community was swift and decisive. Within a week of spotting the property, they had negotiated the purchase over the phone from England. The pension lump sum covered not only the house but also all the furnishings, allowing them to create a fully-equipped second home.

For nearly two decades, Bob and Hazel enjoyed seven-week stays in spring and autumn, relishing the mild climate and vibrant community. The couple immersed themselves in golfing, fishing, and social activities, forming strong bonds with their American neighbors.


However, as they aged, the challenges of international travel became more apparent. A particularly grueling three-day journey due to flight complications prompted the Hamptons to reassess their situation. They made the difficult decision to sell their Texas property, which they managed to do within six months, defying the typical three to five-year selling period in the area.

Despite the potential financial gains had he invested the lump sum differently, Bob Hampton remains convinced of the value of his decision. He emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities and the intangible benefits of their Texas adventure.

Today, Hampton continues to visit Texas annually, maintaining the friendships forged over the years. He and Hazel remain active in their UK community, volunteering at a local village shop and with the Telford Samaritans.

Bob Hampton's story serves as a testament to the potential of pension freedom when approached with careful consideration and a spirit of adventure. It underscores the importance of balancing financial decisions with quality of life considerations in retirement planning.