Putin's Historical Obsession: A Threat to Britain and the West

Russian leader's distorted view of history drives his actions. Former UK Defense Secretary warns of Putin's focus on Britain as a key adversary, urging preparedness for potential threats.

August 26 2024, 05:07 PM  •  14 views

Putin's Historical Obsession: A Threat to Britain and the West

In October 2022, a clandestine operation orchestrated by Moscow resulted in the exhumation of Grigory Potemkin's remains from St Catherine's Cathedral in Kherson. This act, ordered by Vladimir Putin, provides insight into the Russian leader's historical fixation and its implications for international relations.

Grigory Potemkin, a prominent 18th-century Russian military leader and statesman, was a close associate of Catherine the Great, who ruled Russia from 1762 to 1796. Potemkin played a crucial role in the 1783 annexation of Crimea, a event that continues to influence Russian foreign policy today.

The author, a former UK Defense Secretary, argues that Putin's motivations stem from a desire for revenge, legacy, and a romanticized view of Russian history. This perspective challenges the notion that the Russian president is driven by logic or a desire to modernize Russia.

"The bizarre essay Putin personally wrote in June 2021, entitled The Real Lessons of the 75th Anniversary of World War II, desperately twists facts, ignores events and casts Russia as the saviour of the world."

Putin's essay on World War II

Putin's historical revisionism extends to his interpretation of World War II and its aftermath. His essays attempt to reframe Russia's role in the conflict, often distorting facts and omitting crucial events. For instance, he fails to mention the Katyn massacre of 1940, where Soviet forces executed thousands of Polish military officers.

The author emphasizes the importance of considering the human factor in intelligence assessments, criticizing the tendency to rely too heavily on data-driven analysis. This approach, he argues, often fails to capture the true motivations and intentions of adversaries.


Drawing from personal experience, the author recounts a meeting with Russian defense officials just days before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. This encounter revealed the mindset of Russian military leadership, including their belief in Russia's military superiority and desire to rectify perceived historical humiliations.

A key point in the article is Putin's view of Britain as a central antagonist in Russian history. This perspective encompasses events from the Crimean War (1853-1856) to the fall of the Soviet Union, with Britain often portrayed as the orchestrator of Russia's setbacks.

The author concludes with a stark warning: Putin's Russia poses a significant threat to Britain and the West. He urges preparedness, emphasizing the need to understand and anticipate the Russian leader's historically-driven motivations and potential actions.

As we approach the two-year mark since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the importance of comprehending Putin's historical worldview and its influence on Russian foreign policy remains crucial for Western policymakers and analysts.