Poison Pen Letters Shatter Peace in Quaint Yorkshire Village

Shiptonthorpe, a picturesque Yorkshire village, is grappling with a series of malicious anonymous letters targeting residents. The community's tranquil facade masks deep-seated tensions rooted in local politics.

September 24 2024, 12:52 PM  •  103 views

Poison Pen Letters Shatter Peace in Quaint Yorkshire Village

In the heart of East Riding of Yorkshire, the seemingly tranquil village of Shiptonthorpe finds itself at the center of a disturbing controversy. This quaint community, known for its neat gardens and fluttering Yorkshire flags, has been rocked by a series of malicious anonymous letters targeting local residents.

The latest missive, delivered just a week ago, exemplifies the venomous nature of these communications. Addressed to a recipient labeled as a "witch," it expressed hopes for flooding to wash away the target. Previous letters to the same individual contained equally vicious content, disturbingly coinciding with the recipient's cancer diagnosis.

This unsettling situation draws parallels to historical cases of anonymous letter campaigns, such as the 1920s Littlehampton incident that inspired the film "Wicked Little Letters." One local councillor humorously likened it to a "real-life Bridgerton," referencing the popular Netflix series featuring a gossip columnist.

The letters, which began circulating in 2022, have targeted various community members. One resident, who attempted to run for local ward councillor, received four letters with increasingly offensive content. The psychological impact has been severe, with the recipient reporting nightmares and emotional distress.


Shiptonthorpe, home to approximately 520 people, outwardly maintains its charm. The village hall notice board advertises typical rural activities, including watercolor classes, quiz nights, and an upcoming performance of "The Vicar of Dibley." However, beneath this facade, an atmosphere of unease prevails, evidenced by drawn curtains and a reluctance among residents to discuss the situation.

The root of the conflict appears to lie in local politics, particularly surrounding the parish council. In May 2023, an election with an unusually high turnout of 56% resulted in eight new faces on the nine-member council. Victor Lambert, the new chairman, cited a desire for change and new ideas as the driving force behind this shift.

Key issues of contention include a new lease agreement for the village hall and potential social housing development. These matters have led to accusations, official investigations, and heightened tensions within the community.

Leo Hammond, the Conservative councillor for the Wolds Weighton ward, has received eight letters since late 2022. The content of these messages ranges from personal attacks to bizarre speculations about his sexuality. Hammond believes there may be two different authors at play, one with political motivations and another responsible for the more vicious personal attacks.

"It was time for a change. The people who had been on the council had been there for 10 to 11 years. We didn't think they were doing anything dramatically good for the village, so it was time for some new ideas."

Victor Lambert, Chairman of Shiptonthorpe Parish Council

Surprisingly, this is not Shiptonthorpe's first experience with anonymous letters. Similar incidents have occurred over the past two decades, though the current situation is described as more intense and widespread.

The police have opened an investigation, but progress is hampered by the difficulty in tracing the letters' origins. Since 2023, Royal Mail no longer includes regional sorting office information on franked mail, further complicating the matter.

The situation has created a cloud of suspicion over the village. Even the community Facebook page has been made private to moderate content and prevent further discord. Despite these challenges, residents and officials hope that the perpetrator will eventually make a mistake, leading to their identification.

This ongoing saga in Shiptonthorpe serves as a stark reminder that even the most idyllic rural communities can harbor deep-seated tensions and conflicts, challenging the notion of sleepy village life.