Netanyahu Surges in Polls Despite Criticism Over Oct 7 Attack

Benjamin Netanyahu leads polls as Israel's preferred PM, showcasing political resilience after the October 7 tragedy. His consistent messaging and wartime leadership resonate with supporters, despite ongoing challenges.

August 24 2024, 03:37 PM  •  14 views

Netanyahu Surges in Polls Despite Criticism Over Oct 7 Attack

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's longest-serving prime minister, is experiencing a remarkable resurgence in popularity, defying expectations following the October 7, 2023 attack. Recent polls indicate a shift in public opinion, with Netanyahu's Likud party regaining its position as the largest in the Knesset.

A survey conducted in August 2024 revealed that 48% of voters prefer Netanyahu as prime minister, compared to 42% for his main rival, Benny Gantz. This represents a significant turnaround from previous months when Netanyahu and his party were trailing behind their opponents.

Netanyahu's political career has been marked by resilience and adaptability. Born in Tel Aviv in 1949, he has served in various governmental roles and has authored books on counterterrorism. His experience in the elite Sayeret Matkal unit of the Israel Defense Forces and his educational background, including degrees from MIT, have contributed to his image as a capable leader.

Supporters cite Netanyahu's unwavering stance on national security and his resistance to international pressure as key factors in their continued backing. Pinhas Amar, a 67-year-old from Hadera, praised Netanyahu's "resistance to pressure" from the US and his handling of the hostage situation.


Netanyahu's strategy has focused on consistent messaging about eliminating Hamas and demonstrating strong leadership during wartime. Aviv Bushinsky, Netanyahu's former adviser, noted that this approach resonates with many Israelis, even ten months into the conflict.

The prime minister's ability to position himself as standing up to both Israel's enemies and allies on national security issues has been a recurring theme in his political career. This stance has often been rewarded by his voter base, despite criticism from opponents regarding potential damage to Israel's international relationships.

However, Netanyahu continues to face significant challenges. Families of hostages held by Hamas have been protesting against his government, holding him responsible for the ongoing captivity of their loved ones. Sharone Lifschitz, whose father remains a hostage, expressed frustration with Netanyahu's handling of the situation, accusing him of delaying a potential ceasefire deal.

"It's devastating to have your loved ones kept hostage when the person who is supposed to have looked after their safety failed so miserably and he is now using them as human shields for his political gain."

Sharone Lifschitz, daughter of a hostage, stated:

Looking ahead, political analysts suggest that Netanyahu may attempt significant moves in the coming months, potentially involving the northern border or a ceasefire with Hamas. However, the coalition faces ongoing challenges, including the issue of drafting ultra-orthodox youth into the army, which has previously led to government collapse.

As Israel approaches potential elections in 2025, Netanyahu's political future remains uncertain. While he has demonstrated remarkable resilience, the unresolved hostage situation and ongoing criticism from various quarters continue to pose significant challenges to his leadership.