Lily Allen, the renowned English singer-songwriter, recently shared a surprising story about her brief experience with pet adoption. The 39-year-old artist disclosed that she had to return an adopted puppy to the animal shelter after it consumed her and her children's passports, causing significant travel complications.
Allen recounted the incident on her podcast, "Miss Me?", which she co-hosts with Miquita Oliver. She explained, "We actually did adopt a dog already, but then it ate my passport and so I took her back to the home." The singer revealed that the puppy had devoured three passports containing visas for herself and her two children, resulting in what she described as "an absolute logistical nightmare."
The passport incident occurred during the pandemic, adding an extra layer of complexity to an already challenging situation. As a result of the missing documents, Allen was unable to take her children to visit their father, Sam Cooper, who resides in England, for approximately four to five months. This separation caused considerable distress for the family.
"I just couldn't look at her. I was like, you've ruined my life."
The singer's decision to return the dog to the shelter has sparked a debate on social media platforms. Some users criticized Allen's actions, with one stating, "Lily Allen is all that's wrong with the world, got a puppy, used it for likes on Instagram, and then sent it back to the home because it chewed up her family passports that she left within its reach."
Despite this setback, Allen mentioned that she plans to adopt another dog in the future. Her children have already suggested naming the potential new pet Jude Bellingham, indicating the family's continued interest in pet ownership.
It's worth noting that in 2021, Allen and her husband, actor David Harbour, adopted a black puppy named Mary. However, it remains unclear if Mary was the dog involved in the passport incident.
Throughout her career, Allen has been known for her candid approach to sharing personal experiences. She has released four studio albums, with her debut "Alright, Still" achieving platinum status. The singer has also been recognized for her songwriting skills, winning three Ivor Novello Awards.
Allen's openness extends beyond her music career. She has been vocal about various social and political issues, as well as her personal struggles with mental health and substance abuse. In 2018, she published her autobiography, "My Thoughts Exactly," providing fans with deeper insights into her life and experiences.
While the passport incident has drawn criticism, it's important to remember that Allen has also been involved in charitable causes, including work with UNICEF. As an artist with over 5 million Instagram followers, her actions and decisions often attract public attention and scrutiny.
As the debate surrounding Allen's pet adoption experience continues, it serves as a reminder of the responsibilities that come with pet ownership and the unexpected challenges that can arise in even the most well-intentioned situations.
Singer Lily Allen reveals she returned an adopted dog to the shelter after it ate her family's passports, causing travel complications. The incident sparked public debate on pet adoption responsibilities.