Jeremy Kyle, the British broadcaster, has made an appearance at an inquest investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Stephen Dymond. The 63-year-old participant in Kyle's television program was found deceased at his Portsmouth residence in May 2019, a week after filming an episode.
During a pre-inquest review held in April 2019, it was disclosed that Dymond underwent a polygraph examination on the show. The results were reportedly presented to him in an aggressive manner, and he was labeled as dishonest following allegations of infidelity.
The inquest, which commenced on September 5, 2024, and is scheduled to conclude on September 10, 2024, has heard testimony from Carl Woolley, Dymond's son. Woolley stated that Kyle encouraged the studio audience to express disapproval towards his father. Additionally, Jane Callaghan, Dymond's former partner, informed the inquest that Kyle's behavior towards Dymond during the show was discourteous.
"Kyle egged on his show's audience to boo my father."
This incident has brought attention to the ethical concerns surrounding reality television programs. The Jeremy Kyle Show, which aired from 2005 to 2019, was known for its confrontational approach and the use of lie detector tests, despite their controversial nature and lack of reliability in legal proceedings.
The show's cancellation following Dymond's death led to significant repercussions. The UK Parliament initiated an inquiry into reality TV, and Jeremy Kyle faced questioning by MPs regarding the show's duty of care to participants. ITV, the network that broadcast the program, subsequently announced it would cease production of The Jeremy Kyle Show and similar formats.
This tragic event has sparked a broader discussion about mental health support in the entertainment industry and the potential exploitation of vulnerable individuals on television. The inquest aims to shed light on the circumstances leading to Dymond's death and may have far-reaching implications for the future of reality TV programming.
British broadcaster Jeremy Kyle has appeared at an inquest into the death of Stephen Dymond, who passed away after participating in Kyle's TV show. The inquest reveals controversial aspects of the show's practices.