Free Speech Group Ejected from Brighton Pub Over Gender Ideology Discussion

A free speech organization claims it was removed from a Brighton pub during a meeting about gender ideology in schools. The incident has sparked controversy and potential legal action.

September 18 2024, 04:41 PM  •  579 views

Free Speech Group Ejected from Brighton Pub Over Gender Ideology Discussion

In a recent incident that has ignited debate over free speech and gender ideology, a group called Free Speech Brighton claims it was ejected from a local pub during a meeting. The event, which took place on September 17, 2024, at the Southern Belle in Brighton, has raised questions about the limits of free expression in public spaces.

According to reports, approximately 50 members of Free Speech Brighton had gathered for an evening of speeches in a pre-booked room at the pub. The group, an offshoot of the Free Speech Union founded in 2020, focuses on advocating for freedom of expression.

The controversy arose when a retired teacher gave a 15-minute speech arguing against the teaching of gender ideology in schools. The speaker reportedly suggested that parents should be more involved in their children's sex education and have access to the materials used.


Following the speech, security guards allegedly entered the room and demanded that the group leave. Laura King, the group's chairman, described the scene in a social media post:

"There was a rush of security guards coming into the room and demanding that we left. I said we had just finished listening to that speech and that there were two more on completely different subjects but they said the landlord had said we had to leave."

Laura King, Free Speech Brighton chairman

The incident has sparked controversy, with the Free Speech Union threatening legal action against the pub. Toby Young, director of the organization, argued that the eviction could be considered unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010.

This event highlights the ongoing debate in the UK about gender ideology in education. The previous Conservative government had issued guidance restricting the teaching of contested gender theories in schools. However, the current Labour government, which came to power in 2024, has not yet clarified its position on the matter.

The incident at the Southern Belle raises important questions about the balance between free speech and private property rights. While pub landlords have the right to refuse service, they cannot do so on discriminatory grounds. This case may set a precedent for how similar situations are handled in the future.

As the debate over gender ideology in schools continues, it is clear that this issue remains contentious. The UK government's approach to relationships and sex education guidance will likely be closely watched by both advocates and critics of gender ideology in the coming months.