Former Defense Chief Ishiba Elected LDP Leader, Set to Become Japan's PM

Shigeru Ishiba, advocating for an "Asian NATO," wins LDP leadership race. He faces geopolitical challenges and aims to restore public trust amid recent party scandals.

September 27 2024, 10:25 AM  •  115 views

Former Defense Chief Ishiba Elected LDP Leader, Set to Become Japan's PM

Shigeru Ishiba, a former defense minister known for his advocacy of an "Asian NATO," has emerged victorious in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leadership election, positioning him to become Japan's next prime minister. This development comes as Japan, the world's fourth-largest economy, grapples with significant geopolitical and domestic challenges.

Ishiba's ascension to LDP leadership marks his fifth attempt at securing the party's top position. The 67-year-old politician brings a wealth of experience to the role, having previously served as defense minister, agriculture minister, and LDP secretary general since entering politics in 1986. His election comes at a critical juncture for Japan, as the nation faces increasing tensions with China over territorial disputes, particularly concerning the Senkaku Islands, and ongoing security threats from nuclear-armed North Korea.

In response to these challenges, Ishiba has proposed the formation of a NATO-style collective security arrangement for Asia. He has also expressed support for Taiwanese democracy, stating, "If there is an emergency in Taiwan, it is an emergency in Japan." This stance aligns with Japan's recent efforts to strengthen its military capabilities while maintaining a delicate balance in its relationships with the United States and China.


Domestically, Ishiba inherits a party plagued by recent controversies. The LDP, which has governed Japan almost continuously since its founding in 1955, has faced allegations of financial misreporting and election law violations. These scandals contributed to the previous cabinet's public approval ratings plummeting to 15.5% in mid-July 2024, the lowest since 2012. Ishiba's immediate challenge will be to restore public trust in the conservative party.

The new LDP leader has outlined several priorities for his tenure, including revitalizing rural areas, addressing Japan's ongoing population decline, and boosting the economy through investments in the chip and artificial intelligence sectors. These goals reflect Japan's broader economic challenges, including persistent deflation and slow growth.

"We must believe in the people and speak the truth with courage and sincerity. I will do my utmost to make Japan a safe and secure country where everyone can live with a smile on their face once again."

Shigeru Ishiba on his vision for Japan

Despite his serious political agenda, Ishiba is also known for his eclectic personal interests. An enthusiast of model military aircraft and railways, he has been spotted attending pop culture events dressed as characters from popular manga series like Dragon Ball. His fondness for 1970s Japanese pop idols, particularly the group Candies, and his hobby of making curry add a touch of relatability to his public persona.

As Shigeru Ishiba prepares to lead Japan through a complex geopolitical landscape, his unique blend of hawkish foreign policy views and approachable personal interests may prove crucial in navigating the challenges ahead. The coming months will reveal how effectively he can implement his vision for a secure and prosperous Japan while addressing the pressing issues of public trust and economic revitalization.