Former Cabinet Minister Backs Priti Patel for Conservative Leadership

Wendy Morton endorses Priti Patel as the candidate who best understands Conservative Party members. Morton argues Patel can reunite the party and reconnect with its grassroots supporters.

August 28 2024, 06:44 PM  •  42 views

Former Cabinet Minister Backs Priti Patel for Conservative Leadership

In a significant development in the Conservative Party leadership race, former Cabinet minister Wendy Morton has publicly endorsed Dame Priti Patel as the candidate best suited to lead the party. Morton, who previously served as chief whip under Liz Truss, argues that Patel possesses a unique understanding of the party's grassroots members.

Morton's endorsement, published in The Telegraph, emphasizes Patel's decades-long involvement with the Conservative Party. This experience, Morton contends, positions Patel to bridge the gap between party leadership and its membership base.

"We need someone who can build a better party from the ground up which has more accountability and works more closely with local Conservative Associations. Priti has served at almost every level of the party in the past three decades, she gets this, and she will deliver on it."

Wendy Morton states:

Patel, who made history as Britain's first female Asian Home Secretary, has pledged to have a party chairman directly elected by members, demonstrating her commitment to grassroots engagement. This approach aligns with the Conservative Party's structure as a membership organization, a fact Morton stresses is crucial for the party's future success.

The leadership race, which includes six candidates vying to succeed Rishi Sunak, comes at a critical time for the Conservatives. Following a significant electoral defeat that left the party with just 121 MPs, there is a pressing need for unity and reconnection with the electorate.

Morton highlights Patel's diverse experience, both in government and opposition, as a key strength. Patel's work under William Hague in 1997, when the party last faced a large Labour majority, is cited as valuable experience for the current political landscape.


The endorsement also underscores Patel's background as the daughter of immigrants who fled Idi Amin's regime in Uganda, presenting her as an embodiment of conservative values of hard work and meritocracy. Morton argues that Patel's understanding of small businesses and entrepreneurship makes her well-suited to champion these core conservative principles.

As the Conservative Party, founded in 1834, faces one of its most challenging periods, the leadership contest is seen as crucial for its future direction. The party, which has produced 15 British Prime Ministers and is known for its blue color and "Conservative Home" magazine, must navigate internal divisions and reconnect with its base to regain electoral success.

The leadership selection process will see Tory MPs narrow the field to four candidates in the coming weeks, with the final two to be decided after the October party conference. Party members will then choose the ultimate winner, who will lead the Conservatives into the next general election.