In a devastating turn of events, a Russian ballistic missile strike has claimed the lives of at least 41 people in Poltava, a city of approximately 280,000 residents in central Ukraine. This attack underscores the ongoing conflict that has plagued the region since Russia's full-scale invasion began on February 24, 2022.
The Telegraph's daily podcast, "Ukraine: The Latest," continues to provide comprehensive coverage of the war's impact on the global stage. With over 70 million listens, the podcast has become a crucial source of information for those seeking to understand the multifaceted nature of the conflict.
Recent developments, including the analysis of German elections and reactions to Vladimir Putin's visit to Mongolia, are among the topics explored by the podcast's expert contributors. Germany's mixed member proportional representation system adds complexity to its federal elections, while Putin's diplomatic efforts in Mongolia highlight Russia's geopolitical maneuvers in the region bordered by China.
The podcast features insights from seasoned journalists and experts, including:
These contributors bring a wealth of experience to their analysis, offering perspectives on military strategy, diplomatic relations, and historical context. The podcast also regularly features other Telegraph correspondents, such as Joe Barnes in Brussels and James Kilner, editor of the Central Asia & South Caucasus Bulletin.
"War in Ukraine is reshaping our world. Every weekday The Telegraph's top journalists analyse the invasion from all angles - military, humanitarian, political, economic, historical - and tell you what you need to know to stay updated."
As the conflict continues to evolve, "Ukraine: The Latest" remains committed to providing timely and accurate information, helping listeners navigate the complex geopolitical landscape shaped by the ongoing war in Ukraine.
A Russian missile attack on Poltava claims 41 lives. The Telegraph's podcast "Ukraine: The Latest" offers in-depth coverage of the ongoing conflict, German elections, and Putin's Mongolia visit.