Celebrities Push for Fossil Fuel Phase-Out Despite Admitting to High-Carbon Lifestyles

Prominent figures, including Gary Lineker and Emma Thompson, sign open letter urging world leaders to transition away from fossil fuels, while acknowledging their own carbon-intensive habits. The plea comes ahead of the UN Summit for the Future.

September 21 2024, 03:26 PM  •  213 views

Celebrities Push for Fossil Fuel Phase-Out Despite Admitting to High-Carbon Lifestyles

A group of prominent figures, including Gary Lineker and Dame Emma Thompson, have signed an open letter calling for the phasing out of fossil fuels, despite acknowledging their own high-carbon lifestyles. The initiative, spearheaded by the global parent organization Our Kids Climate, comes in anticipation of the UN Summit for the Future, scheduled for 2024.

The letter, addressed to world leaders, emphasizes the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels to protect children's futures. This action aligns with the goals set by the Paris Agreement in 2015, which aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

Gary Lineker, the Match of the Day presenter, admitted to being a climate "hypocrite" in July 2023 due to his frequent air travel. He stated on social media, "We're all hypocrites and all can do better," acknowledging the need for alternatives to current travel practices. This admission highlights the growing awareness of individual carbon footprints, a concept popularized by BP in a 2005 marketing campaign.

Similarly, Dame Emma Thompson faced criticism in 2019 for flying from Los Angeles to London to participate in an Extinction Rebellion protest. She responded to the backlash by saying, "I may well be hypocritical by flying but I'm conscious of flying so I fly much less, but sometimes I have to when I'm working." This incident underscores the challenges faced by public figures in balancing their advocacy with their professional commitments.


The open letter, signed by various celebrities, musicians, and activists, states: "The burning of fossil fuels drives the climate crisis, harming children now and stealing their futures." This sentiment echoes the concerns raised by the Global Climate Strike movement, which began in 2018 inspired by Greta Thunberg.

Other signatories include Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, who has also faced accusations of climate hypocrisy due to his team's air travel since 2016. Author Naomi Klein, another signatory, acknowledged in 2019 that many climate activists would inevitably be labeled hypocrites as they navigate a fossil fuel-dependent world.

The letter's emphasis on a "just and fair transition" away from fossil fuels reflects the concept of "just transition" that emerged in the 1990s, stressing the importance of equitable shifts towards a low-carbon economy. This approach aligns with the goals of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), adopted in 1992.

As the world grapples with the climate crisis, the actions of high-profile individuals continue to be scrutinized. The term "climate hypocrite" gained popularity in the 2010s, highlighting the complex relationship between personal behavior and advocacy for systemic change. This debate reflects broader discussions about individual versus corporate responsibility for environmental issues, reminiscent of the criticisms leveled at the "Keep America Beautiful" campaign launched in 1953.

Additional signatories to the letter include Kevin Bacon, Matthew Rhys, Simon Pegg, Steve Buscemi, Annie Lennox, and Ian McEwan, demonstrating the wide-ranging support for climate action across the entertainment industry.

"Yes, I take scheduled flights, never under any circumstances these days will I go on private planes, but I'll say again, we're all hypocrites and all can do better."

Gary Lineker

As the UN Summit for the Future approaches, the letter serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges in addressing climate change and the need for both individual and collective action to secure a sustainable future for coming generations.