
Liberal Democrat Councillor Claims Brexit-Induced PTSD


A Liberal Democrat councillor reports having PTSD due to Brexit, highlighting the party's pro-EU stance. The party leader criticizes Labour's position on single market membership.

A Liberal Democrat councillor has reported experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union. This revelation came during the party's annual conference in Brighton, shedding light on the personal impact of Brexit on some individuals.

Antonia Harrison, a member of Havant council in Hampshire, disclosed her medical diagnosis during a fringe event. She stated, "I actually have, in my medical history, a diagnosis of PTSD over Brexit." Harrison elaborated on her deep connection to Europe, mentioning her ability to speak eight languages and her past residence in Belgium during the UK's EU membership.

The Liberal Democrats, formed in 1988, have consistently maintained a pro-European stance. In the 2019 general election, the party campaigned on a platform of cancelling Brexit. Currently, they advocate for closer ties with Europe, including a return to the single market as an initial step, with the ultimate goal of rejoining the EU.

Sir Ed Davey, the Liberal Democrat leader, criticized the Labour Party's position on EU relations. He expressed concern about the UK's economic growth prospects, given Sir Keir Starmer's decision to rule out rejoining the single market. Davey stated, "If you're going to rebuild our economy and get growth, you have to go further than the Prime Minister is going."

"The fact he's ruled out going back into the single market I think is a mistake for negotiations, for the vision, and more investment into our country."

Sir Ed Davey, Liberal Democrat leader

It's worth noting that the UK was part of the EU for 47 years before Brexit, joining the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1973. The single market, established in 1993, includes the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people among member states.

Layla Moran, the Liberal Democrats' foreign affairs spokesperson, observed growing public support for rejoining the EU. This sentiment aligns with the party's historical pro-European position and their current policy direction.

In a separate discussion at the conference, a Liberal Democrat London Assembly member proposed removing the requirement for job applicants to declare criminal convictions, suggesting a "Ban the Box" campaign. This idea aims to promote fair employment opportunities and facilitate open discussions during the interview process.

As the UK continues to navigate its post-Brexit landscape, the Liberal Democrats remain committed to strengthening ties with the EU, reflecting on the complex political and personal impacts of the 2016 referendum decision.


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