
Ghost Town on Israel's Northern Frontier: Kibbutz Hanita's Silent Struggle


Evacuated Israeli kibbutz faces daily Hezbollah attacks. Residents yearn to return as tensions escalate, potentially leading to wider conflict with Lebanon.

In the shadow of escalating tensions, Kibbutz Hanita, once a vibrant community on Israel's northern frontier, now stands as a silent testament to the ongoing conflict. Established in 1938, this historic settlement has become a ghost town, its residents evacuated amidst daily barrages from Hezbollah forces across the Lebanese border.

The kibbutz, located mere hundreds of meters from Lebanon, has endured over 9,000 attacks since October 8, 2023. These assaults, ranging from anti-tank missiles to rockets and drones, have left indelible scars on the community. Approximately 20 rockets have directly struck the kibbutz, with each impact affecting up to ten additional structures.

Erez, the kibbutz's security team commander, provides a sobering tour of his parents' damaged home. "Most families with children left immediately. Within a week, the entire kibbutz was evacuated," he explains. Erez, whose grandparents settled here in 1942, remains steadfast in his commitment to defend the area, despite the constant threat.

The Israeli government has recently expanded its war objectives to include "returning the residents of the north securely to their homes." Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, emphasized the need for a "change in the balance of forces" along the northern border. This stance signals a potential escalation, with Israeli officials hinting at military action in Lebanon if diplomatic solutions fail.

The toll on civilian infrastructure is evident throughout Hanita. A kindergarten bears the scars of a recent drone attack, with shrapnel marks pockmarking nearby buildings. The playground, once filled with children's laughter, now features a crater where an explosive drone landed.

Lt Col Yarden, an IDF division operations officer, outlines the military's readiness for potential ground operations in Lebanon. "Until that time, we are holding the line," he states, underscoring the delicate balance between defense and the looming possibility of a wider conflict.

As the situation remains volatile, the 700 former residents of Kibbutz Hanita, along with 60,000 other Israelis from the northern border region, anxiously await the day they can return home. Their story is a poignant reminder of the human cost of this protracted conflict, set against the backdrop of a region rich in history and natural beauty, now marred by the specter of war.

"The siren and the explosion come at the same time. We don't have any time."

Erez, Kibbutz Hanita security team commander

This ongoing crisis at the Israel-Lebanon border, now in its eleventh month, continues to challenge regional stability and test the resilience of communities caught in the crossfire.


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