Tragic Loss: Young Mother's Silent Struggle Ends in Heartbreak

A 21-year-old mother from Wigan took her own life while her young son slept nearby. The inquest revealed her history of mental health struggles and the efforts of loved ones to support her.

September 27 2024, 10:52 AM  •  138 views

Tragic Loss: Young Mother's Silent Struggle Ends in Heartbreak

In a heart-wrenching incident that underscores the silent struggles many young parents face, a 21-year-old mother from Wigan, Greater Manchester, tragically ended her life on April 24, 2024. Zoe Winstanley's untimely death occurred while her young son slept on a nearby sofa, as revealed during an inquest at Bolton Coroner's Court.

The circumstances surrounding Winstanley's passing highlight the critical importance of mental health support for young parents. In the UK, suicide remains the leading cause of death for individuals aged 20-34, with postpartum depression affecting approximately 10-15% of new mothers. These statistics underscore the urgent need for comprehensive mental health services, particularly for vulnerable young adults.

Bradley Marshall, Winstanley's partner, rushed to her home after receiving a call to collect their son. Upon arrival, he made valiant efforts to save her life, performing CPR in the front garden. Neighbors on Kirkless Street joined the rescue attempt, but despite their combined efforts and those of paramedics, Winstanley was pronounced dead at the scene.

The inquest revealed that Winstanley had grappled with "suicidal ideation" since 2019 and experienced post-natal depression following her son's birth. This aligns with the fact that adverse childhood experiences can significantly increase the risk of mental health issues in adulthood. The UK government has pledged to improve mental health services for new and expectant mothers, recognizing the critical need for support during this vulnerable period.


Winstanley's life story reflects the challenges faced by many in the foster care system. She entered care in 2016 and lived with a foster family, a system that supports around 65,000 children annually in the UK. Tragically, she lost her mother in 2017, seven years after her father's passing, adding to her emotional burdens. Bereavement is a known significant risk factor for suicide, highlighting the importance of support for those who have experienced loss.

Despite these hardships, Winstanley had a strong support network. Her sister, Jessica King, provided a touching tribute, saying, "We were one person. She lived with me until she got her own house. We went on holidays every single year. We spoke every day." This close relationship exemplifies the importance of family connections in mental health support.

Bradley Marshall described Winstanley as "loving and caring" and "the best mother ever to our son." These sentiments reflect the complex nature of mental health struggles, where individuals can be loving parents while battling internal demons.

Coroner Michael Pemberton concluded that Winstanley's death was suicide, noting that she had "made arrangements for the collecting of her son." He acknowledged her mental health difficulties and the support she received from various sources, including the council and her foster family. However, he also noted that Winstanley sometimes avoided seeking help, a common challenge in mental health treatment.

The tragedy of Winstanley's death serves as a stark reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and support, especially for young parents. It underscores the need for continued efforts to improve mental health services, reduce stigma, and encourage those struggling to seek help. As the UK strives towards its goal of "zero suicides" in mental health settings, stories like Winstanley's emphasize the urgency of this mission and the lives at stake.

"All she ever wanted was her own family. She wanted to be loved. She wore her heart on her sleeve. She did deal with a lot very, very well."

Jessica King, Zoe Winstanley's sister

In the wake of this heartbreaking loss, it's crucial to remember the resources available for those in need, such as the UK's dedicated mental health helpline, Samaritans. As we reflect on Zoe Winstanley's life and the love she had for her family, let her story serve as a catalyst for increased awareness, compassion, and action in supporting mental health for all.