Social Worker Wins Discrimination Case Over Gender-Critical Views

A lesbian social worker in Cambridgeshire was awarded £63,000 after facing harassment for expressing gender-critical views. The case highlights tensions between freedom of speech and workplace inclusivity policies.

September 16 2024, 08:11 PM  •  299 views

Social Worker Wins Discrimination Case Over Gender-Critical Views

Elizabeth Pitt, a 62-year-old lesbian social worker, has been awarded £63,000 in a discrimination case against Cambridgeshire County Council. The incident stemmed from a January 2023 meeting of the council's LGBT+ employee group, where Pitt expressed gender-critical views in response to a colleague's claim about having a "gender-fluid" dachshund.

The situation escalated when Pitt and another lesbian co-worker shared critical opinions about transgender participation in women's sports and use of female-only spaces. These comments were subsequently labeled as "non-inclusive and transphobic" by complainants, leading to formal disciplinary action against Pitt.

In April 2023, council managers informed Pitt of grievances filed against her, citing "inappropriate and offensive" views expressed during the meeting. The council's report stated that her remarks had caused "significant offence" and negatively impacted the mental health of complainants.


As a result, Pitt was instructed to refrain from making potentially discriminatory comments and was barred from contacting group members or attending their events. However, she filed a complaint arguing that the council's reaction amounted to harassment and direct discrimination based on her beliefs.

The employment tribunal, presided over by Judge Paul Michell, ruled in Pitt's favor. The council admitted liability for direct discrimination, acknowledging that Pitt's gender-critical opinions constituted a "philosophical belief" protected under law.

The tribunal awarded Pitt £30,000 for loss of earnings and £22,000 for injury to feelings, totaling £55,910 with interest. Additionally, the council was ordered to pay £8,000 in legal costs and revise its staff training to include a section on "freedom of belief and speech in the workplace."

This case highlights the ongoing debate surrounding freedom of expression and inclusivity policies in the workplace. It underscores the importance of balancing diverse viewpoints while maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all employees.

"Let's hope that other employers will start to learn that it's a bad idea to try to stop lesbians asserting their boundaries and silence staff who know that sex is real and sometimes matters."

Elizabeth Pitt stated:

A spokesperson for Cambridgeshire County Council responded, emphasizing their commitment to creating a safe and inclusive work environment while recognizing the need to balance this with individuals' rights to express their views and beliefs. The council has pledged to reflect on the outcome and review their policies and procedures accordingly.

This case serves as a reminder of the complex challenges organizations face in navigating issues of gender identity, freedom of speech, and workplace discrimination. It also highlights the importance of clear communication and respectful dialogue when addressing sensitive topics in professional settings.