Mother of trans inmate speaks out: Gender identity debate reaches Supreme Court
A high-profile trans inmates mother challenges modern gender identity concepts in Scotland. The case impacts current legal battles and forces government to re-think its stance on gender recognition

The mother of Isla Bryson a trans-identified person convicted of serious crimes has made eye-opening statements about gender identity. Her son previously known as Adam Graham switched gender identity during pre-trial period last winter
In a ground-breaking interview with Sunday Mail Mrs Janet Bryson stated: “I believe you have to be born female to be female; no wigs dresses or amount of make-up makes you female“. She disputed claims about her childs early life saying: “My son never showed any signs of wanting to be different at age 4 or any other time
The case became a turning-point in Scottish politics — after Bryson got placed in a womens facility (which lasted just a few days) the situation led to major changes in Nicola Sturgeonʼs position as first minister. The 33-year old was moved to a male prison following public push-back
The For Women Scotland group brought their case to Supreme Court where they argue about sex being un-changeable: this connects to wider discussions about Gender Recognition Certificates. Scottish Government lawyers made surprising statements that these certificates give new rights to holders; including access to single-sex spaces
Legal expert Ruth Crawford speaking for Scottish government told judges that GRC holders can be recognized as changing their biological status However John Swinney the First Minister made contradicting statements about mens ability to get pregnant which doesnt align with governments position. The court will make its decision early next yr