French Fifth Republic

The Fifth Republic is France's current republican system of government. It was established on 4 October 1958 by Charles de Gaulle under the Constitution of the Fifth Republic.

Some of the key events about French Fifth Republic

  • 1958
    Establishment of a new constitution strengthening executive power
  • 1960
    Granted independence to most French colonies in Africa
  • 1961
    Brutal suppression of Algerian independence protesters in Paris
  • 1962
    Introduction of direct presidential elections by popular vote
  • 1965
    Creation of the first French satellite, Astérix-1
  • 1967
    Legalization of contraception
  • 1968
    Violent crackdown on student protests and general strikes
  • 1974
    Lowering of the voting age from 21 to 18
  • 1975
    Legalization of abortion
  • 1981
    Abolition of the death penalty
  • 1985
    Sinking of Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand by French agents
  • 1995
    Controversial resumption of nuclear testing in the South Pacific
  • 1999
    Introduction of universal health coverage (Couverture Maladie Universelle)
  • 2005
    Declaration of a state of emergency during widespread riots in French suburbs
  • 2010
    Controversial pension reforms sparking nationwide protests
  • 2013
    Legalization of same-sex marriage
  • 2015
    Implementation of state of emergency following terrorist attacks, criticized for civil liberties restrictions
  • 2018
    Introduction of fuel tax increases leading to widespread "Yellow Vest" protests
  • 2019
    Controversial use of force against "Yellow Vest" protesters
  • 2020
    Criticized handling of COVID-19 pandemic, including mask shortages and lockdown measures

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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