Last-minute guide: Harris-Trump showdown approaches as Biden steps aside
After Bidenʼs unexpected exit‚ **Kamala Harris** and **Donald Trump** prepare for historic face-off in just two days. Key swing-states like Pennsylvania might determine whoʼll get the keys to the White House

In an unexpected turn-of-events Kamala Harris will challenge Donald Trump for the presidency - after Joe Biden left the race following a rough first-debate performance. The next commander-in-chief will be chosen on nov 5th (just around the corner)
The winnerʼs white-house journey starts with the jan 20th inauguration: theyʼll get a four-year term and lots of work to do. Besides picking the president voters will also choose their congress-people and senators (its a big day for democracy)
The path to victory runs through battle-ground states where every vote counts. Pennsylvania with its 19 electoral votes is super-important; while Trump needs to win-back places like:
- Arizona
- Georgia
- Wisconsin
- Nevada
These days Florida and Ohio are pretty much republican territory - but anything can happen in politics
On election-day most people head to voting places: though many use early-voting or mail-in options. The count starts when polls close - usually 7pm local time but it varies state-by-state. Since America has different time-zones east coast numbers come in while Alaska folks are still voting
Dont expect quick results: the winner might not be clear for days (like in 2020 when it took 4 days to call it). Back in 2016 things wrapped up next morning - but every election is different. The final-final count takes months but news outlets usually figure out who won way before that