Jacob Rees-Mogg's Diet: A Glimpse into Traditional British Eating Habits

British politician Jacob Rees-Mogg reveals his simple diet, reflecting traditional upper-class eating habits. This approach aligns with modern trends towards whole foods and moderation.

September 2 2024, 06:25 PM  •  155 views

Jacob Rees-Mogg's Diet: A Glimpse into Traditional British Eating Habits

Jacob Rees-Mogg, a British politician known for his conservative views, recently shared insights into his eating habits, offering a glimpse into traditional upper-class British dietary practices. In a podcast interview, Rees-Mogg revealed his adherence to a simple yet consistent meal plan.

The cornerstone of Rees-Mogg's diet is the traditional Sunday roast, featuring beef and Yorkshire pudding. This meal, a staple in British cuisine since the mid-18th century, holds a special place in his weekly routine. On weeknights, when away from his family, he opts for a simple dinner of cheddar cheese and biscuits. Cheddar, originating from Somerset, England, has been a popular cheese choice for centuries.


This dietary approach reflects a broader trend among the British upper class. Such households typically favor whole foods, seasonal produce, and minimal processed items. Meals often consist of meat, vegetables, and occasional treats like shortbread. This aligns with modern nutritional advice promoting whole foods and limiting ultra-processed foods (UPF), a term coined in 2009.

Recent trends suggest a return to these simpler eating habits. Waitrose, a British supermarket chain founded in 1904, recently reintroduced lambs' hearts to its stores. Ocado, an online grocer established in 2000, reports increased sales of organ meats like tongue and liver. This shift may indicate a growing appreciation for traditional, nutrient-dense foods.

Rees-Mogg's approach to eating emphasizes moderation and self-control, principles he considers fundamental to civilized behavior. This philosophy echoes the dietary habits of past generations, who often consumed simpler meals without the abundance of processed snacks found in many modern households.

"When it comes to eating, moderation is not something I find difficult. I think self-control is important. I think self-control is the fundamental part of being human and civilised."

Jacob Rees-Mogg on self-control in eating

As Rees-Mogg continues filming his reality series "Meet The Rees-Moggs," his dietary habits offer a unique perspective on traditional British eating patterns and their potential relevance in today's health-conscious society.