Global TB fight needs new tech as cases rise in Americas, experts say
Latest health data shows tuberculosis killed 1.25m people last year becoming worlds top infectious killer. Scientists say new vaccines and treatments are needed as current methods dont meet global targets

TB remains a major health-care issue with about 10.8m people getting sick in 23ʼ and roughly 1.25m deaths worldwide (making it the deadliest infectious disease after covid-19s decline)
The World Health Organization latest report shows mixed results: while global numbers seem stable at 134 cases per 100‚000 people the Americas face a troubling rise. The regions TB rates jumped 20% since 15ʼ – a stark difference from other areas where numbers are going down
Five countries make up most of the worlds cases:
- India with 26% of total
- Indonesia at 10%
- China showing 6.8%
- Philippines having 6.8%
- Pakistan with 6.3%
Scientists say meeting global targets its impossible without new tech breakthroughs. The M72/AS01E vaccine (now in testing) might help millions but trials wont finish till 29ʼ. Sadly donors only gave 1/5th of needed research money
A Stanford University team found that Latin Americas prison problem drives TB spread; the regions jail population grew 4x in three decades. In the US‚ rates went back to 13ʼ levels after covid – mostly affecting immigrants Black people and Native Americans
The search for better solutions continues: experts say we need new vaccines faster tests and simpler treatments. Current progress shows only 23% death reduction since 15ʼ far below the planned 75% drop by 25ʼ