Elderly Italian Woman Survives Forest Ordeal with Unusual Companion

An 88-year-old Italian woman endured four days lost in a forest, surviving on rainwater and befriending a fox. Rescued after an extensive search, she's now recovering in hospital.

August 27 2024, 02:37 PM  •  0 views

Elderly Italian Woman Survives Forest Ordeal with Unusual Companion

In a remarkable tale of survival, an 88-year-old Italian woman endured four days lost in a forest near the Swiss border, relying on rainwater and an unexpected animal companion. Giuseppina Bardelli, a resident of Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca in Lombardy, Italy's most populous region, went missing on August 21, 2023, while mushroom hunting with her son.

The incident occurred when Bardelli and her 57-year-old son, Sergio, became separated in the woods. Despite her familiarity with the area, Bardelli lost her orientation on a path she had known for over four decades. The situation worsened when she fell approximately 20 feet into a thicket of ferns, injuring herself.

To survive, Bardelli employed resourceful methods. She drank rainwater from puddles, although this can be risky due to potential contaminants. At night, she used vegetation for cover and slept under trees. Remarkably, she also interacted with a curious fox that approached her multiple times during her ordeal.


Bardelli's son alerted authorities, prompting a large-scale search operation. The rescue effort involved drones, helicopters, volunteers, and police forces, including the Carabinieri. This collaborative approach reflects the increasing use of technology in search and rescue missions worldwide.

After four days, on August 25, 2023, rescuers finally located Bardelli. Her family expressed immense relief and gratitude upon her discovery. Roberto, another of Bardelli's sons, described the moment as "an indescribable feeling" when he learned his mother was alive.

Bardelli's survival can be attributed to her past experience as a member of the Italian Alpine Club, one of the world's oldest mountaineering organizations founded in 1863. This background likely provided her with valuable outdoor skills and mental resilience.

The incident highlights the potential dangers of activities like mushroom hunting, which is popular in Italy, especially during autumn. It also underscores the importance of proper preparation and caution when venturing into forested areas, which cover about 35% of Italy's total land area.

"She drank rainwater that she found in puddles. At night she slept under trees, using vegetation to cover herself. The fox approached her several times. They sort of became friends. And every evening she recited the rosary. She knew that every day could be her last."

Roberto, Giuseppina Bardelli's son, recounted

Bardelli's story serves as a testament to human resilience and the unexpected ways nature can provide comfort in dire situations. As she recovers in hospital, her experience reminds us of the unpredictability of the wilderness and the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.