
UK schools ask parents to pick 3-year-olds gender: What you need to know


More than 100 UK local authorities request gender identity info for primary school admissions. Parents must now choose between male female or self-describe options for their pre-school kids

Local authorities across Britain started asking parents to specify their three-year-olds gender identity on school admission forms which is way beyond just marking their birth sex

Over 100 councils use forms where parents must pick between man/boy/male woman/girl/female options; or choose self-describe category (with extra details needed about their kids gender-identity)

A nation-wide system supplied by third-party company processed these forms for about half-a-million school applications back in 21ʼ Now its only used for next years intake after software updates

It has no place on the form with regard to three year-olds on any level

Mother from Buckinghamshire whose 3-year-old needed school place

The forms spread across different UK regions including North-England and London areas. Martin Tett who leads Buckinghamshire council as a Conservative called it totally wrong and wants it gone

Caroline Ffiske from Conservatives for Women group thinks its mind-boggling to ask such things from pre-school kids. While Maya Forstater who runs Sex Matters charity points out that kids that age just start learning boy-girl differences; putting grown-up trans ideas in their heads dont make sense

  • Forms ask to pick between male/female options
  • Self-describe choice needs more details
  • Over 550000 applications used these forms
  • System covers many UK regions

The whole thing made lots of parents worried about what kind of stuff schools might teach based on these admission papers

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