
Supermarket Romance: Exploring Spain's Viral 'Hora de Ligar' Trend


A British journalist investigates the Spanish supermarket flirting phenomenon "la hora de ligar," encountering unexpected challenges and surprises along the way. Her quest for love in the aisles leads to an unforeseen adventure.

In a unique journalistic endeavor, a British reporter set out to explore the viral Spanish supermarket flirting trend known as "la hora de ligar" (the hour of flirting). This phenomenon, which gained popularity through Vivy Lin's TikTok post, has prompted young Spaniards to seek romantic connections in grocery stores, eschewing traditional dating apps.

The journalist's quest began on a Sunday in Spain, where she discovered that La Mercadona, a prominent Spanish supermarket chain, was closed. Undeterred, she opted for Lidl, a German discount supermarket with its own reported flirting hour from 6-7 pm.

Armed with a carefully curated shopping list of symbolic items, including a pineapple (the universal signal for availability), the reporter ventured into Lidl. Her basket contained:

  • A large pineapple
  • Two cucumbers
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • A bar of chocolate

Despite her efforts, the author found no potential matches at Lidl. Undaunted, she continued her investigation at other locations over the next day.

At El Corte Inglés, Spain's equivalent to Selfridges, the journalist explored the rumored 2-3 pm flirting hour in the perfume section. However, her attempts to spark romance among fragrances named "magnetic" and "lust" proved fruitless.

The author's persistence led her to a final attempt at La Mercadona during the 7-8 pm time slot. Dressed more provocatively, she observed some activity related to the trend, including a group of young boys playfully participating. However, her own efforts remained unsuccessful.

"No piña?"

Security guard at La Mercadona

Interestingly, the journalist's romantic adventure unfolded outside the supermarket setting. After leaving La Mercadona, she encountered a group of Italian men who invited her for tapas. This unexpected meeting led to a spontaneous date, complete with a moped ride past the iconic Sagrada Familia.

While the author didn't find love in the supermarket aisles, her experience highlighted the unpredictable nature of romance. The "hora de ligar" trend, possibly a marketing ploy by La Mercadona, has clearly captured the imagination of many young Spaniards seeking alternatives to digital dating.

As the journalist reflects on her adventure, she invites readers to consider the potential for unexpected connections, whether in Spanish supermarkets or their local grocery stores. After all, love might just be waiting in the produce aisle, pineapple in hand.

Victoria Blair



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