
Next week's White House race: Harris vs Trump showdown keeps America waiting


Next weeks presidential election between **Kamala Harris** and **Donald Trump** might take longer than expected to determine a winner. Exit-polls and vote counting procedures are set-up differently than before

The up-coming battle between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is shaping up to be a nail-biting contest‚ with polls showing an ultra-tight race (that could take quite a while to sort-out)

Next weeks vote-counting starts when exit-polls come out at 5pm ET; however news channels cant make winner predictions while voting continues. Exit-polls work differently now – they dont use them for swing-states but mix them with real-time data and other stats to make predictions

The time to know who won depends on vote margins: if its clear-cut weʼll know in hours but if its super-close it might drag on for weeks. Looking back at history – the Bush-Gore match-up from early 2000s took over a month to finish because of Floridaʼs re-count mess

The official process has its own time-line:

  • States need to check all votes first
  • Then they make results official
  • Congress meets to count electoral votes
  • Final announcement happens in early Jan

America‚ Iʼm honoured that you have chosen me to lead our great country

Bidenʼs social media post from last election

Last time around it took about 4 days after voting ended to name the winner; though this time with new rules and possible legal stuff – nobody knows how long weʼll have to wait

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