
Nicaragua, officially the Republic of Nicaragua, is the geographically largest country in Central America, comprising 130,370 km2 (50,340 sq mi). With a population of 6,850,540 as of 2021, it is the third-most populous country in Central America after Guatemala and Honduras. Nicaragua is bordered by Honduras to the north, the Caribbean Sea to the east, Costa Rica to the south, and the Pacific Ocean and shared maritime borders with El Salvador to the west and Colombia to the east. The country's largest city and national capital is Managua, the fourth-largest city in Central America with a population of 1,055,247 as of 2020. Nicaragua's multiethnic population includes people of mestizo, indigenous, European, and African heritage. The country's most spoken language is Spanish, though indigenous tribes on the Mosquito Coast speak their own languages and English.

Some of the key events about Nicaragua

  • 1502
    Spanish colonization of Nicaragua began, leading to centuries of exploitation and oppression of indigenous peoples
  • 1821
    Nicaragua gained independence from Spain
  • 1821
    Nicaragua gained independence from Spain but remained politically unstable
  • 1855
    American filibuster William Walker briefly seized control of Nicaragua, causing widespread destruction
  • 1893
    A progressive liberal government implemented significant social and economic reforms
  • 1912
    The United States occupied Nicaragua, beginning a long period of military interventions
  • 1931
    A devastating earthquake destroyed much of Managua, killing thousands
  • 1936
    The Somoza family dictatorship began, lasting for over four decades
  • 1956
    The first television station in Nicaragua began broadcasting
  • 1972
    A major earthquake led to widespread international aid and reconstruction efforts
  • 1972
    Another major earthquake struck Managua, killing thousands and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless
  • 1978
    The Nicaraguan Revolution began, leading to years of violent conflict
  • 1979
    The Sandinista revolution brought an end to the Somoza family dictatorship
  • 1984
    The United States imposed a trade embargo on Nicaragua, severely damaging its economy
  • 1990
    Nicaragua held its first democratic elections in decades
  • 1998
    Hurricane Mitch caused widespread destruction and thousands of deaths in Nicaragua
  • 2006
    Nicaragua became the first country to ratify the Central America Free Trade Agreement
  • 2010
    The country achieved universal primary education, a major Millennium Development Goal
  • 2015
    Nicaragua began construction on an inter-oceanic canal to rival Panama's
  • 2021
    Nicaragua became the first Central American country to launch a satellite into Earth's orbit

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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