Mahmoud Abbas

Mahmoud Abbas, also known by the kunya Abu Mazen, is the president of the State of Palestine and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). He has been the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) since 2004, PNA president since January 2005, and State of Palestine president since May 2005. Abbas is also a member of the Fatah party and was elected chairman in 2009.

Some of the key events about Mahmoud Abbas

  • 1974
    Established contact with Soviet officials to discuss Middle East peace
  • 1977
    Appointed head of the PLO's Department for National and International Relations
  • 1980
    Elected to the Fatah Central Committee
  • 1993
    Played a key role in negotiating the Oslo Accords
  • 1995
    Signed the Oslo II Accord, which was criticized for not addressing key Palestinian concerns
  • 1996
    Elected as the first Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Authority
  • 2003
    Appointed as the first Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority
  • 2003
    Appointed as Prime Minister but resigned after only four months due to power struggles
  • 2005
    Elected as President of the Palestinian National Authority
  • 2005
    Postponed Palestinian legislative elections, leading to accusations of authoritarianism
  • 2007
    Lost control of Gaza to Hamas, resulting in a divided Palestinian territory
  • 2009
    Agreed to delay a UN vote on the Goldstone Report, which investigated alleged war crimes in Gaza
  • 2011
    Submitted Palestine's application for full United Nations membership
  • 2011
    Failed to secure UN membership for Palestine, facing diplomatic setbacks
  • 2012
    Successfully upgraded Palestine's UN status to non-member observer state
  • 2014
    Formed a unity government between Fatah and Hamas
  • 2015
    Dissolved the Palestinian unity government, exacerbating internal political divisions
  • 2018
    Made controversial remarks about Jewish history, drawing accusations of antisemitism
  • 2019
    Rejected the Trump administration's Middle East peace plan without engaging in negotiations
  • 2021
    Indefinitely postponed Palestinian elections, citing concerns over voting in East Jerusalem

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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