Artur Mas

Artur Mas i Gavarró is a Catalan politician. He was president of the Government of Catalonia from 2010 to 2015 and acting president from September 2015 to 12 January 2016.

Some of the key events about Artur Mas

  • 1982
    Elected to the Parliament of Catalonia for the first time
  • 1995
    Appointed Minister of Public Works in the Catalan government
  • 2001
    Became the general coordinator of Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya (CDC)
  • 2003
    Led the CiU coalition to win the most seats in the Catalan parliamentary election
  • 2010
    Elected President of the Generalitat of Catalonia
  • 2010
    Implemented austerity measures as President of Catalonia, cutting public spending and services
  • 2012
    Re-elected as President of Catalonia with an increased majority
  • 2012
    Called for a referendum on Catalan independence
  • 2012
    Faced criticism for requesting a bailout from the Spanish government for Catalonia
  • 2014
    Organized a non-binding consultation on Catalan independence
  • 2014
    Held an unofficial independence referendum, which was declared illegal by Spain's Constitutional Court
  • 2015
    Led a pro-independence coalition to victory in the Catalan parliamentary election
  • 2015
    Stepped down as President of Catalonia after failing to secure a majority in parliament
  • 2015
    Indicted for organizing the 2014 unofficial independence referendum
  • 2016
    Founded the Catalan European Democratic Party (PDeCAT)
  • 2017
    Fled to Belgium to avoid prosecution for his role in the 2017 Catalan independence referendum
  • 2018
    Faced extradition proceedings in Germany, though ultimately not extradited
  • 2019
    Lost immunity as a Member of the European Parliament
  • 2021
    Arrested in Sardinia, Italy, based on a European arrest warrant
  • 2021
    Criticized for perceived inconsistency in his stance on Catalan independence

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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