Amnon Shashua

Amnon Shashua is an Israeli computer scientist, businessman and philanthropist. He is the Sachs Professor of Computer Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, president and chief executive officer (CEO) of the autonomous driving and driver-assistance technology company Mobileye, Co-founder of the artificial vision devices company OrCam, Founder and owner of ONE ZERO digital bank, and chairman of artificial intelligence company AI21 Labs.

Some of the key events about Amnon Shashua

  • 1989
    Earned Ph.D. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from MIT
  • 1996
    Co-founded OrCam Technologies, developing assistive devices for the visually impaired
  • 1999
    Co-founded Mobileye, pioneering advanced driver-assistance systems
  • 2007
    Appointed Sachs Chair in Computer Science at Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • 2010
    Elected to the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  • 2013
    Received the CVPR Longuet-Higgins Prize for fundamental contributions to computer vision
  • 2017
    Orchestrated Intel's acquisition of Mobileye for $15.3 billion
  • 2017
    Faced criticism for selling Mobileye to a non-Israeli company, potentially impacting local tech industry
  • 2018
    Appointed Senior Vice President at Intel Corporation
  • 2018
    Encountered challenges in Mobileye's autonomous vehicle testing following a pedestrian fatality involving an Uber self-driving car
  • 2019
    Launched AI21 Labs, focusing on natural language processing and AI technologies
  • 2019
    Criticized for potential conflicts of interest while simultaneously leading Mobileye and holding a senior position at Intel
  • 2020
    Mobileye, under his leadership, began testing self-driving cars in multiple cities worldwide
  • 2020
    Mobileye's self-driving technology faced scrutiny after a test vehicle ran a red light in Jerusalem
  • 2021
    Delayed Mobileye's planned IPO, disappointing some investors and market analysts

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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