Alexander Lukashenko

Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko is a Belarusian politician who has been the president of Belarus since the office's establishment in 1994, currently the longest in Europe.

Some of the key events about Alexander Lukashenko

  • 1975
    Graduated from Mogilev State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in history
  • 1990
    Elected as a deputy to the Supreme Soviet of Belarus
  • 1994
    Won Belarus's first presidential election as an independent candidate
  • 1995
    Initiated the referendum that made Russian an official language in Belarus
  • 1995
    Ordered the shooting down of a hot air balloon that accidentally crossed into Belarusian airspace, killing two American citizens
  • 1996
    Dissolved the democratically elected parliament and replaced it with a loyal assembly
  • 1999
    Orchestrated the disappearance of several prominent opposition figures
  • 2000
    Established the Belarus-Russia Union State to promote closer ties between the two countries
  • 2004
    Held a referendum to remove presidential term limits, allowing indefinite rule
  • 2006
    Oversaw the completion of the National Library of Belarus, a significant cultural landmark
  • 2006
    Oversaw a presidential election widely condemned as fraudulent by international observers
  • 2010
    Signed a decree to create the Hi-Tech Park, promoting IT sector development in Belarus
  • 2010
    Violently suppressed protests following another disputed presidential election
  • 2012
    Expelled the Swedish ambassador and closed the Swedish embassy in Minsk in retaliation for a pro-democracy stunt
  • 2014
    Hosted peace talks in Minsk between Russia and Ukraine, known as the Minsk agreements
  • 2015
    Pardoned six opposition figures who were considered political prisoners
  • 2020
    Oversaw Belarus's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping the economy largely open
  • 2020
    Claimed a landslide victory in an election widely regarded as rigged, sparking mass protests
  • 2021
    Forced the landing of a Ryanair flight to arrest a dissident journalist on board
  • 2022
    Allowed Russian forces to use Belarus as a staging ground for the invasion of Ukraine

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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