Abdel Fattah al-Burhan

Abdel Fattah al-Burhan Abdelrahman al-Burhan is a Sudanese army general who is the de facto ruler of Sudan. Following the Sudanese Revolution in April 2019, he was handed control of the military junta, the Transitional Military Council, a day after it was formed, due to protesters' dissatisfaction with the establishment ties of initial leader Ahmed Awad Ibn Auf. He served as chairman of the TMC until a draft constitutional declaration signed with civilians went into effect on the 17th of August and a collective head of state Transitional Sovereignty Council was formed, also to be initially headed by al-Burhan.

Some of the key events about Abdel Fattah al-Burhan

  • 1989
    Graduated from the Sudan Military Academy
  • 2008
    Appointed as Commander of the Sudanese Army's ground forces
  • 2017
    Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General in the Sudanese Armed Forces
  • 2019
    Appointed as the head of the Transitional Military Council following the ousting of President Omar al-Bashir
  • 2019
    Signed a power-sharing agreement with civilian representatives, forming the Sovereignty Council of Sudan
  • 2019
    Became Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, leading Sudan's transitional government
  • 2019
    Led a military coup that overthrew Sudan's long-time dictator Omar al-Bashir
  • 2019
    Ordered a violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Khartoum, resulting in over 100 deaths
  • 2020
    Signed the Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan, aiming to end years of conflict in the country
  • 2020
    Oversaw the removal of Sudan from the US State Sponsors of Terrorism list
  • 2020
    Resisted calls to hand over power to civilian rule, maintaining military control of the government
  • 2021
    Pledged to hold democratic elections by the end of the transitional period
  • 2021
    Led another military coup, dissolving the civilian-led transitional government and detaining Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok
  • 2021
    Declared a state of emergency and suspended key provisions of the constitutional declaration
  • 2022
    Refused to step down despite widespread protests and international condemnation
  • 2022
    Oversaw a harsh crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations, resulting in numerous civilian deaths
  • 2023
    Signed a framework agreement with civilian groups to end the political crisis and restore civilian rule
  • 2023
    Plunged Sudan into civil war by engaging in armed conflict with the Rapid Support Forces
  • 2023
    Refused to allow humanitarian aid into conflict zones, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis
  • 2023
    Rejected multiple ceasefire agreements, prolonging the civil war and civilian suffering

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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