French Parliament

The French Parliament is the bicameral legislature of the French Fifth Republic, consisting of the upper house, the Senate, and the lower house, the National Assembly. Each assembly conducts legislative sessions at separate locations in Paris: the Senate meets in the Palais du Luxembourg, the National Assembly convenes at the Palais Bourbon, both on the Rive Gauche.

Some of the key events about French Parliament

  • 1789
    Established the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, a fundamental document of the French Revolution
  • 1793
    Passed the Law of Suspects, allowing for mass arrests during the Reign of Terror
  • 1814
    Voted to depose Napoleon Bonaparte, ending the First French Empire
  • 1830
    Passed restrictive press laws, contributing to the July Revolution
  • 1848
    Abolished slavery in all French colonies and territories
  • 1848
    Failed to address social and economic issues, leading to the June Days uprising
  • 1871
    Suppressed the Paris Commune, resulting in thousands of deaths
  • 1881
    Passed laws establishing free, mandatory, and secular education
  • 1905
    Enacted the law on the Separation of the Churches and the State, establishing state secularism in France
  • 1936
    Introduced paid holidays for workers
  • 1940
    Granted full powers to Marshal Pétain, effectively ending the Third Republic
  • 1944
    Granted women the right to vote
  • 1958
    Adopted the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, establishing a semi-presidential system
  • 1958
    Approved a new constitution, reducing parliamentary powers in favor of a stronger presidency
  • 1962
    Failed to prevent constitutional changes that further weakened parliamentary control
  • 1975
    Legalized abortion with the "Veil Law"
  • 1981
    Abolished the death penalty
  • 2008
    Passed controversial constitutional reforms, criticized for concentrating power in the executive
  • 2013
    Legalized same-sex marriage
  • 2016
    Approved a state of emergency law, raising concerns about civil liberties

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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