Trump's shocking plan to reshape US military leadership raises Pentagon eyebrows

Former president prepares new military-review system with retired officials at its core. The proposed warrior board aims to evaluate top brass based on traditional military values

November 13 2024 , 04:10 AM  •  1370 views

Trump's shocking plan to reshape US military leadership raises Pentagon eyebrows

In a ground-breaking move Donald Trump is working on a new system to check-up on military leaders which includes setting-up what hes calling a “warrior board“ (a group of ex-military officials who will review current generals)

The plan which comes from Trumps team shows they want to look at top military folks based on three main things: how good they are at leading their ability to plan for war and if they focus on real military stuff. Its part of his bigger idea to change how the military works

A lot of us have to get much smarter on whatever the theory is

General Mark Milley during congressional hearing

The whole thing is making folks at the Pentagon nervous; especially since Trump said anyone who was part of the mess in Afghanistan should quit right when he starts his job next winter. The Republican party already wrote down their plan to get rid of what they call “left-wing“ military leaders

General Mark Milley and Trump dont get along at all — Milley once said Trump was “fascist to the core“ and Trump called him names back. They had a big fight about three years ago when Milley talked about race stuff in the military

In other military-related news a young air guard member got 15 years in jail for putting secret info online: he shared stuff about Ukraine and some plans that could have hurt US troops. The guy said he was super-sorry for causing such big problems