London mayor's strange mind-reading claims about Trump raise eyebrows
A peculiar podcast statement by Londonʼs mayor suggests he knows Trumpʼs inner thoughts. Meanwhile social-media drama continues as liberals search for new online spaces

In a mind-boggling podcast statement this past week Sadiq Khan made an eye-catching claim: he knows exactly whats in Donald Trumpʼs mind. Our mayor thinks Trumpʼs criticism comes from religious bias - not his job performance (which is quite a leap)
The timing couldnʼt be more off-base: Trump has called many people “terrible“ and “incompetent“ – including folks like Hillary Clinton‚ Joe Biden‚ and Ron DeSantis who dont share Khanʼs background. Its worth noting that Trumpʼs choice words for everyone are pretty much the same; heʼs an equal-opportunity critic if you will
The social-media landscape is changing too: since around 2014 Twitter has become a echo-chamber for certain groups. The platform (which some smart-alecks say destroys brain-cells) makes middle-class intellectuals share weird ideas: like thinking Brexit was caused by russian-bots or that the NHS is being sold piece-by-piece
Women have penises. Brexit was caused by Russian bots. Shamima Begum is a blameless victim
The Guardianʼs recent anti-Musk tantrum might actually help these social-media addicts break free. Though theres a risk theyʼll just move to blue-sky where views are even more one-sided
Heres a fun-fact about modern policing: if youʼre burgled dont expect much help. However if you tell them theres a conservative-minded person nearby – theyʼll show up super-quick (just kidding but it makes you think)