From book success to White House dream: Meet Trump's unexpected pick for VP role

Former best-selling author **JD Vance** made an unexpected journey from Trump-critic to his 2024 running mate pick. His mix of working-class roots and elite education caught Trumpʼs eye for the VP spot

October 29 2024 , 11:35 AM  •  761 views

From book success to White House dream: Meet Trump's unexpected pick for VP role

JD Vance took an un-expected path from writing a best-selling book about middle America to becoming Trumps vice-presidential pick. His 2016 book Hillbilly Elegy (which talks about rust-belt problems) made him well-known right when Trump was starting his first presidential run

The two men came from very-different worlds: Trump grew up in new-york high society while Vance struggled in an ohio steel town with a drug-addicted mom. Despite his rough start Vance got into yale law school and became a well-paid lawyer

Iʼve been very open about the fact that I did say those critical things and I regret them

Vance told Fox in 2021

His switch from Trump-critic to supporter paid off when he got picked as VP nominee at the july milwaukee convention. Vance (who is just 40) could become one of americas youngest vice-presidents; his close friendship with Donald Trump Jr helped him get the spot

The ex-marine turned venture-capitalist brings some unique things to the campaign:

  • Strong connection with rust-belt voters
  • Yale degree that appeals to educated voters
  • Good relations with silicon valley donors
  • Skills at talking to media

Vance lives with his wife Usha (a lawyer with indian background) and their three kids - he often talks about wanting to push pro-family ideas. Campaign leaders think his mix of working-class background and success story will help them win in 2024