BBC Verify Challenges Reform UK's Immigration Policy Ahead of Conference

BBC's fact-checking unit disputes Reform UK's plan to return Channel migrants to France, sparking criticism from party leadership. The incident reignites debates over BBC impartiality and fact-checking methods.

September 20 2024, 12:17 PM  •  15 views

BBC Verify Challenges Reform UK's Immigration Policy Ahead of Conference

The BBC's fact-checking unit, BBC Verify, has contested Reform UK's primary immigration policy, just before the party's annual conference. The unit, established in 2023 to combat misinformation, stated there was "no evidence" supporting the legality of the party's proposal to return migrants intercepted in the English Channel to France.

Nigel Farage, Richard Tice, and Lee Anderson are set to deliver speeches at Reform UK's conference, scheduled to begin on 22 September 2024. The event marks a significant moment for the party, which evolved from the Brexit Party founded in 2018.

BBC Verify's analysis, published on 20 September 2024, cited the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, signed in 1982 and enacted in 1994. The unit consulted maritime law experts who argued that unilateral return of migrants to France would not be permissible under international law.

Richard Tice, Reform UK's chairman, responded critically to the BBC Verify report on social media, accusing the unit of failing to properly interpret the UN Convention. This exchange highlights the ongoing tensions between the party and the national broadcaster.

"BBC Verify fail again. Desperately trying to prove me wrong, they clearly either have not read UN Convention of Law at Sea, or just do not want to admit I am right. Muppets."

Richard Tice's response on social media

This incident is not isolated, as the BBC has previously faced criticism for its coverage of Reform UK. In May 2024, the corporation issued apologies to the party for referring to it as "far-Right" and for an impartiality breach during a news broadcast about Nigel Farage.

The controversy surrounding BBC Verify extends beyond Reform UK. Danny Cohen, former Director of BBC Television, previously criticized the unit's coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict, which began in October 2023.


The BBC, founded in 1922 and operating with an annual budget of approximately £5 billion, employs over 22,000 staff. Its motto, "Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation," underscores its commitment to impartial reporting. However, incidents like these continue to spark debates about the effectiveness and impartiality of its fact-checking efforts.

As Reform UK prepares for its conference, with Nigel Farage, co-founder of UKIP in 1993, set to deliver the keynote speech, the clash with BBC Verify adds another layer to the ongoing discourse on immigration policy and media scrutiny in the UK.