
UK court battle: Foreign criminal stays due to family rights claim


A court allowed a convicted offender from Congo to stay in UK because of family-rights laws. The Home Office got permission for new hearing to challenge the decision that focused on his familyʼs needs

A man in his early-50s from Congo who got jail-time for child abuse wants to stay in Glasgow area‚ despite home-office trying to send him back (the case details show how complex immigration rules work with family rights)

The offender – known as MD in court papers – came to Britain about 15 years ago. After his first try to stay got rejected he got permission to live here cause of his marriage and kids. Later he committed crimes against his step-daughter and two other young girls which led to a three-year sentence

The court papers show a weird situation: even though MD is still seen as risk to kids the judge said sending him away would hurt his wife and three bio-childrenʼs well-being. His wife still thinks hes innocent and needs help with their autistic youngest child

  • Got here in 08
  • First denied then allowed to stay in 14
  • Had more kids in 16 and 18
  • Got deportation papers in 22

The Scottish Tories justice person Liam Kerr said: “The public will be mad that this dangerous person can stay in Scotland; common sense says safety comes first“

Last month Home-office won right to new hearing – theyʼll look at step-daughters needs and risks to his own kids which werenʼt checked before. The new court date is coming up this month but MD cant be named cause it would show who the victims are

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