
Renowned Chinese Artist Arrested for Mocking Mao's Cultural Revolution


Chinese-American artist Gao Zhen, known for critiquing Mao's Cultural Revolution, has been arrested near Beijing. He faces charges under a 2021 law protecting national heroes, sparking concerns over artistic freedom.

Gao Zhen, a prominent Chinese-American artist, has been apprehended near Beijing, sparking concerns about artistic freedom in China. The arrest, which occurred on September 2, 2024, has drawn attention to the ongoing tension between creative expression and political sensitivity in the country.

Gao Zhen, based in New York, was visiting relatives when authorities detained him. He now faces charges under the 2021 heroes and martyrs protection law, which prohibits the defamation of national figures and reinforces the Communist Party's historical narrative. Convictions under this legislation can result in up to three years of imprisonment.

The artist, collaborating with his brother Gao Qiang since the 1980s, is renowned for his provocative works critiquing Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. This tumultuous period, lasting from 1966 to 1976, saw widespread chaos, violence, and economic disruption, resulting in the persecution of millions and an estimated 500,000 to 2 million deaths.

The Gao brothers' art is deeply personal, rooted in their experiences during the Cultural Revolution. They suffered the loss of their father, who was detained as a "class enemy" - a concept central to Maoist ideology during that era. This tragic event has significantly influenced their artistic vision.

Authorities have confiscated several of the brothers' politically sensitive creations, including "Mao's Guilt," "The Execution of Christ," and "Miss Mao." These works, some over a decade old, belong to a series from a different period in the artists' careers. Gao Qiang stated, "We are completely exhausted from dealing with the ghosts of the Cultural Revolution and have stopped creating such work."

The brothers have faced numerous challenges with Chinese authorities in the past. From 1989 to 2003, they were placed on a government blacklist, preventing them from leaving China. Their studio has been raided, and exhibitions have been shut down, reflecting the broader trend of tightening control over artistic expression in China in recent years.

Gao Zhen's arrest involved approximately 30 police officers storming his art studio in Yanjiao, Sanhe City, about an hour from Beijing. This incident has drawn comparisons to the political persecution of opponents during Mao's Cultural Revolution, with dissident artists calling for his release.

"They are detaining an artist who is nearly 70 years old under regulations that have been implemented only in the past two years. This situation is exactly what those works were meant to critique."

Gao Qiang on his brother's arrest

The arrest of Gao Zhen highlights the ongoing sensitivity surrounding the Cultural Revolution in China. Despite the Chinese government officially condemning the Cultural Revolution in 1981, it remains a delicate topic. The 2021 heroes and martyrs protection law is part of a broader effort to control historical narratives in the country, impacting artistic freedom and expression.

As the international art community watches this case unfold, it serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by artists addressing political themes in their work, particularly in countries with strict control over historical narratives and public discourse.


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