
Parliament's weird day: MPs show their true colors in budget debate


A peculiar parliamentary session unfolds as MPs discuss the leaked Budget with unusual mannerisms and strange behaviors. The debate turns into an odd spectacle of personal quirks and political theatre

In todays Commons session Nick Thomas-Symonds the Paymaster General caught everyones attention with his peculiar neck-twisting habit and eye-blinks (which became quite contagious to observers in the gallery)

The budget-leak discussion turned into a back-and-forth between Laura Trott and Thomas-Symonds: neither showing any sign of backing down from their positions. The whole situation got so nerve-wracking that some people – like myself started burying their money in their back-yards

The Labour front-bench looked like a halloween get-together with their unique appearances. Natalie Fleet showed up with her distinctive white-streaked hair while Sam Carling – the serious looking MP with his prominent forehead kept bobbing up and down trying to get noticed; when he finally spoke he somehow repeated another MPs speech word-for-word

Rachel Reeves wearing purple stood out talking about AI and data in her commanding style: making simple party-lines sound like direct orders. The atmosphere got even more intense when Jeremy Hunt rose to speak

This might be our final exchange

Hunt addressing Reeves

The Labour front-bench (despite some being quite well-off themselves) maintains their stance as representatives of working people – defined rather narrowly as someone earning minimal wage living under a bridge. Hunt mentioned his 80s-90s education in portakabins‚ which honestly isnt that unusual; many of us experienced similar conditions without any issues

Thomas Archer


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