
Maurice Saatchi: Tory Party in 'Terrible State', Must Return to Core Principles


Lord Maurice Saatchi, co-founder of Saatchi & Saatchi, criticizes the Conservative Party's departure from fundamental principles. He reflects on Thatcher's legacy and discusses his personal life in a candid interview.

In a recent interview, Lord Maurice Saatchi, co-founder of the renowned advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi, shared his thoughts on the current state of British politics and his personal life. Speaking from his opulent Sussex residence, Saatchi expressed concern over the Conservative Party's direction and emphasized the need to return to core principles.

Saatchi, now 78, maintains a daily routine that includes swimming and enjoying a Cuban cigar while overlooking his expansive property. His attire, consisting of a white silk overshirt and trousers, reflects his unique style cultivated over decades in the public eye.

Reflecting on the Conservative Party's recent electoral defeat, Saatchi stated, "The Tory party is in a terrible state." He attributes this to the abandonment of fundamental conservative principles and what he perceives as taking the public for granted. Saatchi argues that the party's inefficiency and perceived cruelty have contributed to its downfall.

The advertising mogul, who played a crucial role in Margaret Thatcher's 1979 election victory, believes that returning to Thatcherite principles is essential for the party's revival. He emphasizes the importance of low taxes and incentivizing hard work, principles that he claims have been betrayed by recent Conservative governments.

On the topic of immigration, Saatchi criticized the handling of Brexit promises. He noted that despite assurances, immigration has tripled since Brexit, with over one million people arriving in the UK last year. Saatchi called for more transparent communication on the reasons behind immigration policies.

"It would have been very nice if somebody had been prepared to say 'immigration is going up because we need people to make the economy grow faster, because they're doing jobs nobody else wants to do', or whatever the argument is. But there is zero discussion along those lines."

Lord Maurice Saatchi on immigration

Saatchi's own background as an immigrant from Iraq adds a personal dimension to his views on the subject. He arrived in Britain as an infant in 1947, fleeing persecution as Jews.

The interview also touched on Saatchi's personal life, including his 27-year marriage to the late poet Josephine Hart. Her presence is still felt throughout his home, with a library dedicated to her memory and walls adorned with her notes and photographs.

Currently, Saatchi is in a relationship with Lynn Forester de Rothschild, widow of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. He describes their connection as a "fairy-tale" union of two widowed friends.

As the Conservative Party prepares for its upcoming conference, Saatchi's words serve as both a critique and a call to action. His insights, shaped by decades of experience in advertising and politics, offer a unique perspective on the challenges facing British conservatism today.


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