
Man Assaults Three Women Over Dress Code at Bradford Petrol Station


A 26-year-old man in Bradford attacked three women at a petrol station, objecting to their non-traditional dress and makeup. He received a suspended sentence and rehabilitation requirements.

In a disturbing incident that occurred on May 25, 2024, at a petrol station in Bradford, a 26-year-old man named Muhammad Hassan assaulted three women over their choice of attire and makeup. The attack, which lasted 51 seconds, was captured on CCTV and led to Hassan's arrest and subsequent court appearance.

The incident took place at the Prince of Wales Service Station on Harrogate Road in Bradford, a city known for its diverse population and rich industrial heritage. Bradford, with a population of 539,776 as of 2021, has a significant Asian community, comprising 26.8% of its residents. The city has been working on urban regeneration and community cohesion in recent years, making this incident particularly concerning.

According to prosecutor Ayman Khokhar, Hassan knew the victims and had previously objected to their non-traditional dress and makeup. On the day of the attack, the women were en route to a dinner when they stopped for fuel. Hassan arrived at the station and appeared to deliberately prolong his refueling process.

The court heard that Hassan verbally abused the women, using derogatory terms and demanding they dress more conservatively. After paying for his fuel, he approached their vehicle and physically assaulted them. The victims suffered various injuries, including swelling, bruises, and scratches.

Bradford Crown Court was informed that the attack seemed to be motivated by sexist attitudes towards women. In his defense, Fuad Arshad, Hassan's lawyer, stated that his client believed the women had played a role in the end of a marriage, but acknowledged that Hassan's actions were unjustified.

Judge Colin Burn emphasized the severity of the incident, stating:

"Whatever the motivation was for this, it's still utterly inadequate to justify the violence that you perpetrated against [the victims] when they were sitting in a car effectively cowering from you. The three people on the receiving end of your violence were women who were in a vulnerable situation. This was an extremely abusive, controlling and violent incident."

[[Judge Colin Burn's statement]]

Hassan received a six-month prison sentence, suspended for two years. Additionally, he was ordered to complete 35 rehabilitation activities, 180 hours of unpaid work, and wear an electronic tag for four months. He was also required to pay £500 in costs.

This incident highlights ongoing challenges in Bradford, a city that has been named the UK City of Culture for 2025 and is known for its cultural diversity. The city, home to the National Science and Media Museum and recognized as a UNESCO City of Film, has been striving to promote integration and community cohesion.

As Bradford continues its efforts to revitalize its city center and celebrate its multicultural heritage, incidents like this underscore the importance of addressing cultural tensions and promoting mutual respect among all community members.

Emily Turner



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