
Israeli Military Probes Disturbing Video of Troops Mishandling Bodies in West Bank


Israeli forces under investigation for mistreating bodies during a West Bank raid. The incident, captured on video, has drawn condemnation from the US and sparked concerns about military conduct in the occupied territory.

The Israeli military has initiated an investigation into a troubling video that surfaced on 19 September 2024, depicting soldiers mishandling what appear to be bodies during an operation in the occupied West Bank. The footage shows three military personnel on a building's roof in Qabatiya, a Palestinian town in the northern West Bank, moving and discarding bodies in a manner inconsistent with military protocol.

Zakaria Zakarneh, an eyewitness and relative of one of the deceased, provided an account of the incident. He stated, "They attempted to move the bodies with a bulldozer, but when that failed, they resorted to throwing them from the second floor." Zakarneh expressed his distress at being unable to intervene.

The Israeli military acknowledged the gravity of the situation, stating that the actions shown in the video do not align with their values. Concurrently, the White House expressed concern, with John Kirby, a national security council spokesman, describing the footage as "deeply disturbing" and calling for an explanation from Israeli authorities.

This incident occurs against a backdrop of escalating tensions in the West Bank, which has been under Israeli occupation since 1967. The region, home to approximately 3 million Palestinians, has experienced a surge in violence since October 2023, coinciding with the onset of conflict in Gaza. Israeli forces conduct near-daily operations, resulting in frequent confrontations with Palestinian militants and occasional settler attacks on Palestinian communities.

According to the Palestinian health ministry, at least 682 Palestinians in the West Bank have allegedly been killed by Israeli troops or settlers since October 2023. This figure underscores the human cost of the ongoing conflict in a region where tensions between Israelis and Palestinians have persisted for over seven decades.

The West Bank's complex political landscape, shaped by the Oslo Accords of 1993 and 1995, includes areas of limited Palestinian self-governance alongside Israeli-controlled territories. The presence of Israeli settlements, considered illegal under international law, further complicates the situation.

As the investigation into the Qabatiya incident unfolds, it highlights the ongoing challenges in maintaining military discipline and upholding human rights in conflict zones. The international community watches closely, emphasizing the need for accountability and adherence to ethical standards in military operations.


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