
Hidden dangers: What one can of your favorite drink does to your body


Popular drinks pack shocking amounts of hidden sugar that exceed daily limits in just one serving. New research shows how these beverages affect health beyond just adding extra calories

A regular-sized Coca-Cola contains nine teaspoons of sugar while a Monster Energy drink has got fourteen - thats way above the 30g daily sugar limit. British folks drink more than one sugary can weekly‚ and UK sales hit 3‚2 billion last year (which shows how much we love our sweet-drinks)

Manufacturers put lots of sugar in drinks cause its cheap easy-to-use and makes products last longer. Beth Bradshaw from Food Active program explains: “Our taste-buds got used to more sugar and salt in recent years“. These drinks are extra-bad because they dont fill you up but give a quick sugar-hit

The body reacts weird to sugary drinks says Jeannette Hyde‚ a nutrition pro. When you drink them insulin (a fat-storing thing) kicks in real quick; this makes you gain weight and want more sugar. Studies done about 14 years ago show that daily drinkers have 26% more chance of getting type-2 diabetes

Kids face big-time problems from these drinks. Besides making them gain weight sugar plus acids destroy teeth enamel; last year NHS had to pull out 42k teeth from young patients. Energy drinks with caffeine mess up calcium absorption and make teens get headaches

Low-sugar options with artificial sweeteners are kinda tricky. While NHS says theyre ok some experts think these fake-sugars might cause gut problems and insulin issues. Recent science shows aspartame and sucralose could make your body process sugar differently over time

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